is 50 and single but has a cousin who lives with him. Cousin is employed on and
off and has lived with him for 10 years.
Cousin is also 50. Client does not own a house. He rents an apartment
for $1,600. Unfortunately, cousin is unable to help him with any portion of the
rent. Let’s just say that cousin is client’s dependent for all intents and
purposes even though client does not claim him as a dependent in his tax
returns. Cousin certainly depends on client for a place for food, shelter and
clothing for the last ten years. Client has a good heart. Without client,
cousin would be homeless. I would say that client has a household of 2 for
bankruptcy purposes because cousin is, for all purposes, his dependent. A
dependent would be beneficial for client in bankruptcy because a family of two
has a higher median income than a single person in the calculation of the
eligibility to qualify for Chapter 7 or 13 under the means test. For instance,
a single person earning $50K a year may have a presumption of abuse flag in
Chapter 7, but would easily qualify without a presumption of abuse if this same
debtor had a two person household.
can client qualify for Chapter 7 even if he wants to? Why does he want Chapter
7 relief? Let’s look at his financial
background. He says his gross income is $72K a year. He shows me his pay stub.
It looks more like $79K a year because he gets paid bi-monthly. This means that
in bankruptcy, to arrive at his effective yearly gross, the pay stub he gets
every two weeks is multiplied by 26 then divided by 12 months. This would yield
a $79K yearly gross instead of $72K as he thought he was making. Indeed, if his
yearly gross were $72K, with a two-person household, he would be close to
Chapter 7 than Chapter 13. He owes $36K to the IRS for back taxes. More than
half of these taxes are for tax years before 2012. This means that if there was
no fraud involved with these taxes owed, most of them would be discharged
because the general rule is that taxes owed for at least 3 years pre filing are
discharged. Taxes that came due starting 2015 would not be discharged in
Chapter 7 because they are not more than 3 years old. Client pays the IRS $500
a month on an installment plan to pay back the $36K of principal owed.
Unfortunately, even if the IRS agrees to an installment plan, interest &
penalties on the unpaid portion are applicable. So, this is like a high interest
loan from Uncle Sam.
further owes $80K of credit cards and payday loans! That’s a significant debt;
particularly payday loans that can have 100% of interest a year. They’re disguised like Good Samaritan loans
but they are actually usurious loans that are designed to keep you in debt
forever. His credit card debts are hitting about 25% interest. Client cannot
get out of this heavy debt burden with out some kind of bankruptcy relief.
Client has had some family emergencies, which required him to borrow more from
credit cards recently, including funeral expenses.
Client has also recently been served with a
lawsuit for collection on a credit card debt. He is also getting a lot of
collection calls from rude creditors representatives who have threatened to
call him at his place of work which by the way is illegal being a violation of
the Fair Debt Collections Act. So the pressure on client due to debt burden has
been steadily ramping up and taking it’s deadly toll on client’s well being.
Let’s just say that he looks like and feels like an elephant is sitting on his
chest. No doubt, client needs immediate and permanent relief from accumulated
debt. What’s the use of making a good income of $80K a year when most of the
net income has to be given to satisfy your creditors every month? Each creditor
has to be given client’s pound of flesh every month for minimum payments. So
what happens when you have to give your pound of flesh every month? Eventually,
you will be skin and bones, a skeleton of your former self!
client prefers a Chapter 7 wipe out of accumulated debt, including the $36K
owed to the IRS, his case is actually a Chapter 13. In Chapter 13, the IRS debt
of $36K would have in full as a priority debt, as a minimum. In other words, in
Chapter 13, his minimum plan payment would be $550 a month for 5 years to fully
pay off the IRS. During the Chapter 13 period, he will be paying off 100% of
the $36K principal owed to the IRS
because remember, in Chapter 13, interest and penalties do not apply. Further,
he may be able to qualify for a zero percent plan. This means that as long as
he is paying the $550, he doesn’t have to pay anything for his $80K of credit
cards and pay day loans! Yes, you read that right. Zero payment to $80K of
credit cards and pay day loans. If client completes his $550 plan payment for
60 months, the IRS is paid in full and he gets a discharge of the $80K credit
cards and payday loans. Well, this is better than Trump’s tax deal anytime.
Note that client has been paying $500 a month on his IRS installment plan. In
Chapter 13, he only pays $550, with zero payments to credit cards and payday
loans. Without Chapter 13, he pays $500 a month to the IRS with interest and
penalties still accruing, and he still has to pay a minimum of $2,500 to keep
his $80K of credit cards and pay day loans current every month. If he completes
the plan payments, he won’t owe the IRS anything, and he won’t owe anything to
credit cards and payday loans. In effect, he gets a fresh start in life even on
Chapter 13.
the next case, client is 45 and married with an 8-year old son. She owes $30K
of credit cards, while her husband owes $5K of credit cards. Off the bat, this
will be a single filing by wife only. Husband does not have to file since he
owes only $5K. Their household income is $5K a month. So, definitely, for a
household of 3, client can qualify for Chapter 7 wipe out of her $30K credit
cards. They don’t own a house but pay for 3 cars. I don’t know why they have 3
new cars. But they can keep the 3 cars as long as they continue to pay for
them. They can reaffirm the car loans. This is not a problem. Most car loans do
not require reaffirmations anymore. As long as client continues timely car payments,
she can keep her cars.
don’t need Dennis Rodman to tell us that client qualifies for a Chapter 7 wipe
out of accumulated debt for a fresh start in life so she can be productive
again. As we all know Mr. Rodman will be in Singapore next week to help his
friends POTUS Donald J. Trump, and Marshall Kim Jung Un arrive at a historic
peace accord that will eventually ensure the denuclearization of the Korean
peninsula. All of us will benefit from peace in Korea particularly, the great
Korean people who have had to live under the threat of mutual self-destruction
in the last 60 years. This makes no sense. It’s about time for them to have
peace over there. Thank you Mr. Rodman for making the prospect of peace much
closer to reality.
you need debt relief, set an appointment to see me. I will analyze your case
ALMIGHTY, CAN SAY TO HIM, ‘you are my defender and protector. In you, I trust,”
Psalm 91 written by Moses.
B. Yang is a graduate of Georgetown University with a Master’s Degree in Law
and specializes in bankruptcy, business, real estate and civil litigation. He speaks English, Mandarin and Fujien and
has successfully represented thousands of clients in California, including
companies overseas. Please call Angie,
Barbara, or Jess at (626) 284-1142 for an appointment at 1000 S. Fremont Ave.,
MAILSTOP 58 BUILDING A-1 SUITE 1125, Alhambra, CA 91803 OR at 20274 Carrey
Road, Walnut, CA 91789.