來源:楊清泉律師 時間:04/16/2013 瀏覽: 2917

Last Sunday was Easter Sunday celebrated by Christians all over the world as the greatest event in human history. This is the day when Jesus Christ, who died three days before on the cross on Mt. Calvary, to atone for the sins of mankind, past present and future, resurrected back to life by His own divine power; absolute proof that He was human and divine. Witnesses to His death and resurrection, the apostles, attest to what they saw for all humanity to hear in the Bible. They testify as well in the Bible that they were with Jesus when He raised from the dead Lazarus and the son of the widow of Nain.

Even in a court of law, their testimony is admissible evidence to prove the truth of the fact they proclaim because their testimony is based on their own experience on what they saw and experienced themselves. Thus, their testimony is not hearsay evidence. It is direct testimony and proof of the existence of God who lived among us to prove to us that there is only one true God. So what else in human history can compare to the fact that God sent His only son to our world 2013 years ago to tell mankind the truth as to who the real God is. His only Son, Jesus, agreed to become human to die on the cross to make whole the relationship between God and man destroyed by the original sin of Adam and Eve. He agreed to suffer, die and RESURRECT from death, to prove to man that He is the Son of God, and that God exists. What wonderful news! Indeed, Easter is the greatest event in human history! No event in human history can compare to the RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST!

Scientists are using their craft to explain away the existence of the divine when the truth is so large and right in front of them. Atheists will post you this question: If God can make anything; can God make a stone so large and so heavy that He cannot lift it? Not to mock the other religions but which other religion can claim that their god came to the world became flesh, died and resurrected Himself? You can go to Lourdes in France where the Mother of Jesus, our Blessed Mother Mary, cures terminally ill people of fatal sicknesses and made them whole. All certified true cures by the miraculous powers of the Blessed Virgin Mary by a board of physicians. The body of St. Bernadette still lies uncorrupted in Nevers, France, more than a hundred years after her physical death. I have seen her body myself with my own eyes. It looks like she is just asleep. Can science explain why her body has not decomposed after all this time? I don’t think so.

But the way of God is through humility. Jesus was born in a manger. That is why the Jewish people cannot believe that Jesus is the Son of God. They believe the Son of God should be born with Angels trumpeting his birth for all to see and that He should be born in the grandest of palaces! Even when He has proven that He is the Son of God by His death and RESSURECTION, they cannot believe He is the Son of God because He was born poor in a manger. To this day, they wait for His arrival. They doubt despite the fact that God delivered them from bondage in Egypt by a series of major miracles, including the parting of the red sea to allow them to escape safely from the pursuing Egyptians! But they remain the chosen people of God because Jesus is descended from the line of King David.

For those of us who have been blessed by faith, we rejoice in the good tidings of the gospel. Our celebration culminates on the day of Easter when the Son of our God Resurrected three days after He died on the cross for our sins. I profess my belief that Jesus is the Son of our God most High and extend His invitation for you to hear the TRUTH so that you may have eternal life with Him in paradise.

Lawrence Bautista Yang is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center and has been in law practice for thirty years.  He specializes in bankruptcy, business and civil litigation and has handled more than five thousand successful bankruptcy cases in California.  He speaks Mandarin and Fujien and looks forward to discussing your case with you personally.  Please call (626) 284-1142 for an appointment at 1000 S Fremont Ave Bldg A-1 Suite 1125 Unit 58 Alhambra, CA 91803.


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