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People in the Christian countries celebrate advent and the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ as Christmas. The birth of our Savior is the most significant fact in the history of mankind. It is truly a joyous occasion for all mankind. Although the exact date of the nativity of our Lord is not known, what is known is that it occurred during the last quarter of 2013 B.C. Christians all over the world celebrate it as December 25th, next Wednesday. Non Christians in many countries also celebrate it as a festive celebration of gift giving without any reference to the birth of our Lord. It’s unfortunate that the true meaning of Christmas is lost by references to Santa Claus, his elves and flying reindeers. The fact is on December 25th Christians celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Have you ever thought about what would happen if Jesus had not agreed to become human through the Blessed Virgin Mary and He did not agree to suffer and die on the cross for our sins? WE WOULD BE TOTALLY JACKED. If Jesus did not become human on Christmas day, then die on the cross for our sins, we would all go down south to hell when we died. Do you know what is in store for us in hell? Hell is a lake of fire, where we will burn and suffer for eternity and we would have to serve the father of all lies, Lucifer. I know that some people do not believe in my God, the God of Elijah, Moses and Israel, like the false prophets of baal and ashera. They do not believe either in His one and only beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who willingly became man and suffered and died on the cross, so that we, you and I, can be saved. Saved from what?

Saved from being damned to hell when we die, and there suffering intolerable pain for eternity. Instead of going to hell, we were redeemed by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, by his suffering and death on the cross. By His death and resurrection, Jesus opened the door for us to enter heaven and spend the rest of eternity with Him, God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mary, all the saints and everyone else who have professed their belief in Jesus and His Father, the one, true and only God. Would you rather spend the rest of eternity burning in hell and being the devil’s poop cleaner, or would you rather spend the rest of eternity having an awesome, fantastic, and joyous time with our God and His beloved Son?



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