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因此國際佛教僧尼總會將於 2012年8月26日(星期日)上午9:30在舊金山華藏寺,舉辦「大悲千手觀音大壇法會」,這是美國歷史上首次修的千手觀音大壇法,是依於正宗法義儀軌行持的。祈請千手觀音菩薩示現威神,降大吉祥,祝禱美國國運昌隆、國民安樂幸福,信眾福慧增長,萬事如意。



Greatly Compassionate Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva
Grand Mandala Dharma Assembly

International Buddhism Sangha Association upholds and practices the teachings of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Sakyamuni Buddha. The purpose of the Association is to benefit living beings with great compassion and selfless devotion, and to enhance the welfare of all beings.

This summer, the United States faces a historical drought, the proportions of which have not been seen in fifty-six years. In addition, there have been other natural disasters, such as tornadoes. All of this has caused a serious loss of both life and property. We are deeply grieved over this. Thus, we respectfully sought guidance from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III as to what Buddhist practice we should undertake in response. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III gave the Association special instructions to hold a Greatly Compassionate Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva Grand Mandala Dharma Assembly to eliminate disasters and pray for the well-being of the United States.

The Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva is known as the kindest and most benevolent Bodhisattva and the lord who looks upon the world with great compassion. She takes on various forms in order to teach Buddha dharma to living beings. She helps those who call upon Her; She frees those from sufferings and benefits all sentient beings. There are legends about Her appearing in the images of Mother Mary, Mazu and many others. Among them, the depiction of Guan-Yin Bodhisattva with a thousand arms and a thousand eyes is believed to have the most incredible power that brings salvation to living beings and turns hostility to peace.

The International Buddhism Sangha Association, therefore, will hold the Greatly Compassionate Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva Grand Mandala Dharma Assembly on Sunday, August 26, 2012 at9:30a.m. at Hua Zang Si in San Francisco. The Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva Grand Dharma will be practiced in accordance with orthodox rituals, which will be the first time in the U.S. history. We will beseech and invoke the Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva to descend to the mandala and bestow ultimate auspiciousness upon us. Prayers will be made for the prosperity of the United States of America, the happiness of her people, the increase of good fortune and wisdom of all believers, and the accomplishment of all aspirations.

All eminent monastics within Buddhism, seven types of disciples and people from all walks of life are cordially invited to attend this extraordinary and supreme Dharma Assembly which one rarely encounters in one’s lifetime. May we all receive the empowerment from the Buddhas and the benefits of the Dharma.

International Buddhism Sangha Association

Hua Zang Si
3134 22nd St., San Francisco, CA 94110
Tel: (415)920-9816
Fax: (415)920-9836
email: huazangsi.sf@gmail.com / hzsmails@gmail.com
Website: www.huazangsi.org

(編輯 Patrick)


關於 華藏寺