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華藏寺 - 華藏寺十週年慶典


自二零零四年十二月二十六日,華藏寺在 南無第三世多杰羌佛慈悲賜予的佛光沐浴,殊勝加持中開寺。悠悠十載,無限感恩 南無第三世多杰羌佛佛力加被,七眾弟子得受無上正覺正法教益,佛法聖業永續弘揚。

今屆十週年寺慶,特誠邀 貴道場各位法師、仁波切、阿闍梨、聞法上師及師兄姐們和有緣的朋友們,大家共赴慶典同賀盛事,共霑法喜!



● 上午10:00 祝禱美國國運昌盛,世界和平,人類幸福特啟建《熱香供法會》。
● 上午 11:30 精美素齋、點心、水果。

● 下午1:00 觀看介紹華藏寺十年歷程記錄片。
● 下午1:30 - 4:30 十週年慶典會,備有精彩節目及抽獎。


3134 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
Email: Hzsmails@gmail.com

請於十二月五日前將 貴道場蒞臨本寺參加十週年慶典的人數告知本寺,以便提前安排。


You Are Cordially Invited to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Hua Zang Si

On December 26, 2004, Hua Zang Si was consecrated and auspiciously blessed by the Buddha light which was bestowed out of compassion by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Ten years have passed and we would like to express our deepest gratitude to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III for the protection and empowerment. Disciples of seven groups have received and benefited from the correct dharma of ultimate enlightenment, which has made many excelled sangha and practitioners. We hope that the sacred mission of Buddha dharma will be perpetually propagated far and wide.

We cordially invite all dharma masters, rinpoches, acaryas, masters of dharma-listening sessions, Buddhist brothers and sisters, friends and family to join us and share the dharma joy for our 10th anniversary celebration!

Time: Saturday December 20, 2014

10:00 A.M.
Special “Incense Offering Dharma Assembly” to Beseech Prosperity of the United States, Pray for World Peace and Happiness of All Mankind. (Each attendee will receive an Auspicious Talisman at the completion of this Dharma Assembly)

11:30 A.M.
Sumptuous Vegetarian Meal Served with Dessert and Fruit

1:00 P.M.
Documentary Slide Show of Hua Zang Si's Past 10 Years

1:30 - 4:30 P.M.
The 10th Anniversary Celebration Gathering with Inspiring Performances and Raffle Drawings

Hua Zang Si in San Francisco
3134 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA, 94110
PH: (415) 920-9816
FAX: (415) 920-9836
Email: Hzsmails@gmail.com

RSVP by December 5, 2014 with number of guests

Hua Zang Si in San Francisco and Dharma-Protecting Fellowship of Hua Zang Si

(編輯 Patrick)


關於 華藏寺