「美國珠心算聯合會2017全球盃冠軍邀請賽」於1/15(星期六)於洛杉磯Pacific Palms Resort舉辦並圆满閉幕,此次比賽報名人数又再創歷史新高,包括有印尼、大陸、日本、馬來西亞、台灣與蒙古等珠心算團隊參加。
The Global Cup Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Championship was held in Los Angeles, at the Pacific Palms Resort on Jan 15, 2017. The event included participants from oversea abacus/mental arithmetic organizations, including delegations from Indonesia, China, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan and Mongolia, as well as the organizations from Southern and North California.
兩位貴賓也代表「中華珠算學術研究學會」親自邀請「美國珠心算聯合會」佟儀理事長與安秋玲會長帶隊出席參加即將在2017年7月於台灣新竹舉辦的「2017世界城市杯三算全能競賽」 。
真誠感謝「馬來西亞珠心算公會」Kok Leong Low會長帶領代表團參加夲次「2017年全球盃珠心算冠軍邀請賽」,更感謝劉會長親自邀請安㑹長帶隊共襄盛舉由「馬來西亞珠心算公會」在3月主辦之「2017中國山西珠心算培訓觀摩旅遊團」。
Thanks for the "Malaysia Mental Arithmetic Association" delegation, lead by Kok Leong Low/President, to attend the UAAA GlobalCup 2017. And we like to appreciate for the invitation from President Low for UAAA President An to attend "2017 Abacus Mental Arithmetic Teacher Training, Schools Visit & Tour in Shanxi China", organized by Persatuan Mental Arithmetic Malaysia.
誠摯感謝「蒙古大腦開發研究院」Shurentsetseg Tumurbaatar總監閣下首次率團參加「2017年全球盃珠心算冠軍邀請賽」。
Thanks for the delegation from "Brain Development Academy Mongolia", led by Shurentsetseg Tumurbaatar/Director, to attend the UAAA GlobalCup 2017. This is their first time to join UAAA event from Mongolia.