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婚外情,外遇調查 Cheating Lovers

09/15/2017     亞力山大偵探調查事務所


Infidelity Investigation
Cheating Lovers

婚外情,外遇調查擬在發現委託方的配偶,戀人是否不忠或有與他人通姦。最近統計數據顯示,85%的女性和 50%的男性,都曾發現他們的配偶與戀人都有過欺騙行為。其實, 從很多配偶或戀人的行為中,你就可以發現他(她)可能 有外遇。

Infidelity investigation is performed to determine if a person's spouse, partner, or significant other is unfaithful or committingadultery. Recent statistics show that 85% of women and 50% of men who feel their lover or spouse is cheating are correct. There's a long list of behaviors that suggest your mate may be having an affair. Check the list below.

當你懷疑妳的配偶或戀人有外遇時,一定要冷靜,要在與他(她)對證或訴諸法律之前,收集確凿的證據。首先, 妳需要先確定嫌疑人。在與我們偵探事務所聯絡之前,不 要自己與嫌疑人接觸,因為這樣會讓他們有所防備,洗刷他們的污點,增加案件偵破的難度。我們都知道,識破謊言並証實它,是一件蠻具有挑戰性的工作。做一個明智的選擇,撥打亞力山大偵探事務所。和我們的偵探描述你所處的特別境況,他們會為你設計一套偵破方案,循著蛛絲馬跡,幫你找到事實的真相。偵探們會及時反饋給你調查的進展情況,紀錄他們的所作所為,包括在哪裡會面以及曾與哪些人有過接觸。我們從始至終為您嚴格保守秘密。

If you suspect your spouse/lover may be having an affair, be smart, gather solid evidence before facing him or taking any legal action. Youneed to confirm your suspicions first. Don't confront your cheater before contacting us. This will get them to clean up their act, and make it harder for you to catch them. We know that catching someone in a lie and proving it can be challenging. Take a step in the right direction and give us a call at ESKANDER INVESTIGATIONS. Speakto one of our detectives about your particular situation so that we may assess which type of investigation that will work best for you. We can put your mind at ease. You can trust us to find the truth for you. We will look after your interest at all times knowing that we will keep the investigation completely CONFIDENTIAL. We will documenteverything they do, including places they've visited and people they've met.

亞力山大偵探事務所,我們有高端,精密的電子設備, 可以真實記錄我們觀察到的事實,讓涉案嫌疑人在鐵證面前無從抵賴。我們會通過電子郵件和電話方式,告知您案件的偵破情況。偵查工作完成後,我們會將調查的所有錄 像資料做成 DVD。同時您也會收到一份報告, 記錄監視期間發生的情況。我們偵探事務所的偵探們都可以為您在法庭作證。

At ESKANDER INVESTIGATIONS we have the top quality and sophisticated equipment to document what the investigator observes. Our top notch surveillance team can bring you the evidence that your spouse/mate cannot refute. We can update you on the investigation byemail or with telephone calls. At the conclusion of your case, you'll be given a DVD that documents everything videotaped during the course of our investigation, from the beginning to the end. You will also receive a detailed report that will describe all the events that took place during surveillance. Our investigators can testify on the findingin any court

When in doubt, check them out. Start by calling

888 - 433 - 3955 (Chinese) 
888 -433 - 3951 (English)


關於 亞力山大偵探調查事務所