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亞力山大偵探調查事務所 專業法律資助 Litigation Support

09/18/2017     亞力山大偵探調查事務所

確鑿的證據對能在法庭勝訴至關重要。我們對此深信不疑。亞力山大偵探事務所的專家們,都將不遺餘力為妳的律師收集各種有利證據,幫助妳勝訴。無論你聘請的律師事務所有多大規模 , 我們都會和您的律師及助理密切配合,為您提供所發現的法律證據 。亞力山大偵探事務所的偵探們富有經驗,完全可以理解並勝任律師要求的相關事宜。

我們在接受委託後, 會安排和律師與顧客碰面,商討相關事宜以及經費預算,隨後會商討具體的行動步驟。

我們會千方百計鎖定目擊證人,即使有些很難鎖定或試圖逃脫指證的證人。隨後我們會與證人面談,並將他們的證詞通過書寫,錄音,錄像的形式記錄下來以備將來法律程序之需 。我們深知顧客雇用我們私人偵探的目的,就是要為案件的勝訴提供法律支持。我們的證詞(錄像/照片/報告)在任何法律程序中均有效,同時我們的偵探也可以為您出庭作證。


根據妳的法聽案件需求,我們可以進行秘密跟蹤,進行背景調查,各類文件的查詢以及資產調查(資產配置)。亞力山大偵探事務所的偵探人員也可以在民事案件,刑事 案件,家庭糾紛(離婚,小孩撫養權),機動車輛事故調查 ,產品質量引起的糾紛,醫療失 誤,員工意外傷害補償以及假裝滑倒摔傷的調查中為您提供法律援助。

想要聘請最專業的法律資助,請撥打: 亞力山大偵探事務所 888-433-3955

Good Evidence wins cases. We know this fact and will do our best to make it happens. At ESKANDER INVESTIGATIONS we strive to show our expertise to get your attorney the evidence that enhance your case. Regardless of your firm’s size or specialty, we work closely with your attorneys and paralegals to provide the assistance you require. 

Our investigators have the experience to understand and even anticipate an attorney’s need. We will meet with the attorney or the person requesting the investigation to discuss the case objectives and the budget, and then decide on the course of action. We will locate the witnesses, even the ones that are difficult to locate or are trying to evade service. We will interview the witnesses and document their statement through written, audio and/or video recording for all legal proceedings. We recognize that legal testimony to support documented information is essential when hiring a Private Investigator. Our documentations (Videos/Photos/Reports) are prepared to be presented in any legal proceeding along with the testimony of the Investigator. 

We will also recommend the expert witnesses for your particular case. We will do our best to serve all parties that need to appear in court, including the ones that are evading the service. 

Based on the particular needs of your court case, we will provide surveillance, background check, documents search, and Asset Search (allocation). ESKANDER INVESTIGTIONS will assist you in your Civil, Criminal, Family Law (Divorce, Child Custody), Auto Accident, Product Liability, Medical Malpractice, Worker Compensation, and “Slip and fall” cases. 

For Best Litigation Support Call 

888-433-3955 (Chinese)
888-433-3951 (English)


關於 亞力山大偵探調查事務所