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員工意外傷害補償 Worker Comp

09/18/2017     亞力山大偵探調查事務所


Each year employers lose billions of dollars paying out fraudulent workers' compensation claims. We believe that workers' compensation is strictly for those truly injured. We enjoy working with workers' comensation claim professionals and understand their concerns.

我們樂於與員工補償訴訟相關的專業人士合作,我們理解他們關心的議題。我們熟知在 WCAB 的法律條款中,相關的錄像與錄音證據在法庭上都是被認可的。我們的秘密跟蹤以及 AOE/COE 報告,準確,書寫正式,及時。我們通過與顧客電子郵件或電話聯絡,隨時報告案件的進展情況。我們秘密跟蹤的目的,是為確保投訴方完全符合員工意外傷害補償的範疇,符合醫生所下的醫囑。根據我們所掌握的事實,可以確定僱員是否涉嫌工傷詐欺。

We're familar with WCAB laws pertaining to the way surveillance video and audio evidence are admitted at trial. Our surveillance and AOE/COE reports are concise, well written and submitted to our clients in a timely manner. We will keep our clients updated via email or phone calls. Our surveillance of the subject is to ensure that they're compliant with the workers' comp. doctor's orders. Or we can simply provide you, the employer, with a piece of mind that your employees are not engaged in frivolous claims.


The most crucial factor in defeating workers' compensation fraud is the effective use of the Sub-Rosa surveillance to refute injury limitation claims alleged by the claimant. “A picture tells a thousand words” is the key factor when we deliver top quality videos that clearly show the claimant is exaggerating or falsifying the existence or extent of an injury.The only way workers' compensation fraud can be proven is to show through surveillance that an individual can return to work and be productive. Our experienced surveillance team knows what to look for and how to document it. Our videos will show the facts that the claimant cannot refute. 



888-433-3955 (Chinese)

888-433-3951 (English)



關於 亞力山大偵探調查事務所