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11/03/2020     李荻律師事務所

从今年的2月15日起,美国商标局USPTO针对商标申请的提交方式以及商标的使用证明图片实行了最新的规定(Changes to the Trademark Rules of Practice to Mandate Electronic Filing, 84 FR 69330),当时我们曾发布过相关文章,USPTO关于电子申请及使用证明的最新规定。今天USPTO再次针对电子使用证据图片发布了审查指南(Examnination Guide),下面我将为大家讲解这次审查指南的重点。


“Digitally Created or Altered and Mockup Specimens”的定义

首先,什么样的图片会被商标局视为digitally created/altered and mockup specimens,即电子的模拟图、合成图呢?商标局在指南中提供了以下三个定义:

  1. A digitally created specimen comprises a digital drawing of the goods or packaging on which the mark appears. 

  2. A digitally altered specimen includes a digital alteration of an existing image of goods or packaging for goods, a display associated with goods, or an advertisement or website that purports to show the mark used on the goods or in the sale, performance, or rendering of services. 

  3. A mockup specimen comprises a digital or non-digital rendering of what a mark would look like on a product, display, or website; these may be created solely for submission with the application. 




如何识别“Digitally Created or Altered and Mockup Specimens”


  • The depiction of the product looks like a digital rendering rather than a real product. 产品的呈现看上去像是数码合成的,而非实物图。

  • The product, label, or packaging is missing information typically included in the trade. 缺乏产品标签或包装等通常会出现在交易中的信息。

  • The mark appears to float over the product or container. 商标似乎漂浮在产品上。

  • Features of the item disappear near or around the mark. 商品的一些特征在商标周围会消失。

  • The image includes pixelization around the mark. 商标周围有像素点。

  • The mark is not applied to the product in a manner consistent with the material composition of the product. 商标未以与产品材料一致的方式应用于产品上。

  • The mark appears on goods known to be marketed under a third-party mark. 该商标出现在已知以第三方商标销售的商品上。

  • The website screenshot showing the mark includes placeholder text indicating that the website was not in use. 网站截屏图显示占位符文本,即网站还并未使用。

  • The website screenshot showing the mark is missing important information such as a URL or browser tab, and is displayed in a way that suggests it is not published (e.g., within other software).  网站截屏缺少重要信息,例如URL网址或浏览器标签。

  • Identical images display different marks or do not display any marks. 相同的图片显示不同的商标或不显示任何商标。

  • Features of the goods suggest that the goods are used while the tag or label to which the mark is applied appears new. 商品的特征表明商标已被使用,但带有商标的标签看上去却是新的。

  • The labeling appears to be crudely applied to containers or plain boxes. 标签似乎潦草地贴在了容器或普通盒子上。

  • The mark appears superimposed onto signage or other advertising or marketing materials for services. 商标叠加显示在标牌或其他广告或市场营销材料上。

  • A webpage for an online marketplace, submitted as a display associated with the goods, includes indicia indicating that the mark is not in use in U.S. commerce or was not in use on the dates of use indicated in the application (e.g., language, currency, price, first available date, ship-to destination). 网络销售页面上的一些内容显示该商标并未在美国商业中使用,或是未在申请中指明的使用日期时被使用(例如语言,货币,价格,首次使用日期,运达目的地)。


  • 把使用证明的叙述(description of the specimens)纳入考量中。如果叙述与商标申请中包含的事实情况不符,审查员可考虑是否接受该图片。

  • 若审查员认为图片像是后期改动过,可自行做调研来确认商品是否真实存在。如果审查员确认了商品的存在,还需在其内部审核系统"Note to the File”中备注"检查了申请人的网站【URL链接】” 或是“检查了亚马逊网站【URL链接】”。若审查员对网站存疑,可要求申请人提供更多的证据来佐证商标的使用。

  • 审查员可进一步要求申请人提供下列信息:

    (1) the goods or services for which the specimen was submitted; 图片所相关的商品或服务是什么
    (2) whether the specimen was created for submission with the application and if so, when; 图片是否是为了商标申请而制作的
    (3) the source of the image depicting goods; 图片来源
    (4) how the mark is used on goods in the actual sales environment or in the rendering or performing the services, including representative examples showing such use and URLs and publication dates for web pages; 商标在实际销售环境中或在提供服务时是如何使用的,包括具有代表性的URL网站链接以及网页发布日期示例
    (5) when the goods or services were first available for purchase and whether they are still for sale; 商品或服务什么时候可以首次购买,以及是否仍在销售中;
    (6) proof of sales in commerce with or within the United States for the goods in the specimen, redacting personal or private information of buyers as necessary; 商品在美国境内进行的销售证明,需要对买方的个人或隐私信息进行遮盖
    (7) proof of use for additional goods or services identified in the application; and 商标申请中所涉及的其他商品或服务的使用证明
    (8) any other information relevant to a determination regarding actual use of the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services. 其他任何相关商标实际已被使用的信息。

针对上述八点要求,申请人可提供新的使用图片来证明商标已在商业中使用,亦可以将申请改为1(b),即“意图使用”,并在之后Allegation of Use时提交使用证明。当然,申请人也可以反驳审查员的判断并论证商标已在使用中。

Takeaway 启示


我们律所一向严格遵守商标局的规定,认真、谨慎地对待每一个商标申请,不允许客户提供合成的、伪造的、或者 Photoshopped 的图片作为使用证据。


李荻律师事务所Di Li Law专精商标注册、补正、续展、转让、变更、异议申请、近似驳回答辩、商标侵权被诉和解代理、出具停止侵权律师函等事宜。已成功代理上千个商标的注册申请,在商标方面有着丰富的经验。据World Trademark Review的统计,本律所2019年的申请量在全美所有律所和代理中排名第14,加州排名第2。除了美国商标业务,本律所也承办中国、欧盟、英国、日本、加拿大等国家的商标注册业务。若您有此需求,欢迎与李荻律师事务所联络。






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