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【法律】2023 年7月1日开始影响加州民众生活的一些新法律 | 洛杉矶李红律师 主理商业法、房地产法、遗产法等

07/03/2023     李紅律師事務所─專精地產‧商業‧移民‧車禍等

以下是从 2023 年 7 月 1 日开始影响加州民众生活的一些新法律。

犯罪记录印章 (SB-731)该法案将自动封存大多数前罪犯的定罪和逮捕记录,这些罪犯在服完刑期和任何假释或缓刑后四年内未被判犯有其他重罪。没有定罪的逮捕记录也将被封存。


工人赔偿 (SB-216)不购买工人赔偿保险的承包商可能会因该法案而失去执照。

已经需要工人赔偿,但从 7 月 1 日开始,将增加这一新的罚款。

远程出庭 (SB-241)SB-241 让加州人可以选择使用视频会议作为亲自出庭的替代方案。该法案将于 7 月 1 日星期六到期。

枪支诉讼 (SB-1327)私人公民可以起诉制造和销售枪支的公司,如果他们销售攻击性武器或幽灵枪产品,这在该州已经是非法的。


赏金猎人许可 (AB-2043)法律要求赏金猎人的执照、教育和登记。

它的灵感来自棕榈泉的一个家庭,他们的孩子于 2021 年在棕榈泉被非法赏金猎人杀害。

在线提交限制令 (AB-2960)该法案使加州人可以选择以电子方式请求和提交与家庭暴力或枪支暴力有关的限制令,而不必亲自出庭。该法案还要求儿童抚养服务部或当地儿童抚养机构发出通知,以更改已签发的抚养令上的收款人。

ZEV转换回扣(SB-301)从 7 月 1 日开始,“大量第三方”商家必须提供数据,包括联系方式和银行帐号。

教师超额付款 (AB-1667)根据该法案,不能要求教师偿还国家教师养老金CalSTRS审计报告中发现的多付款项。


住房法 (AB-2011) / (SB-6)根据AB-2011和SB-6,在商业,零售或停车用地上建造经济适用房的多户住宅得到了简化。它还加强了建筑承包商的工资法和健康福利规则。


六月节 (AB-1655)六月节现在将被添加到国家假日列表中。这意味着社区学院和公立学校将关闭学校,此外州雇员将在6月19日带薪休假。

Criminal Records Seals (SB-731)

SB-731 was signed into law last fall by Newsom, making California the first state in the nation to allow almost all old convictions on a person's criminal record to be permanently sealed.

The bill will automatically seal conviction and arrest records for most ex-offenders who are not convicted of another felony for four years after completing their sentences and any parole or probation. Records of arrests that don’t bring convictions also would be sealed.

The bill would apply to offenses like domestic violence. It excludes those convicted of serious and violent felonies and felonies requiring sex offender registration.

Workers Compensation (SB-216)

A contractor that doesn’t carry worker’s compensation insurance could lose their license as a result of this bill.

Worker’s compensation was already required, but starting July 1 this new penalty will be added.

Remote Court Appearances (SB-241)

SB-241 gave Californians the option to use video conferencing as an alternative to in-person court appearances. This bill expires Saturday, July 1.

Gun Lawsuits (SB-1327)

Private citizens can sue companies that make and sell firearms if they sell assault weapons or ghost gun products, which are already illegal in the state.

The bill carries a minimum bounty of $10,000 for violators.

Bounty Hunter Licensing (AB-2043)

This law mandates the licensing, education and registration of bounty hunters.

It was inspired by a Palm Springs family whose child was killed in Palm Springs in 2021 by an illegal bounty hunter.

Filing Restraining Orders Online (AB-2960)

This bill gives Californians the option to request and file for restraining orders related to domestic violence or gun violence electronically instead of having to show up to court in-person. The bill also requires the Department of Child Support Services or the local child support agency to issue a notice to change a payee on an issued support order.

李紅律師事務所─專精地產‧商業‧移民‧車禍等 ATTORNEY LI, LAW OFFICES OF HONG LI - 加州彩頁


關於 李紅律師事務所─專精地產‧商業‧移民‧車禍等