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【法律】Employment Law & Compliance Highlights | 鄭博仁聯合律師事務所

02/20/2024     鄭博仁聯合律師事務所


Department of Labor's PUMP Act Guidance: Ensuring Compliance for Restaurant and Retail Businesses

The Department of Labor (DOL) has released comprehensive guidance tailored to the restaurant and retail sectors to aid employers in adhering to the extension of protections for nursing employees mandated by the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers (PUMP) Act. This initiative, enacted on Dec. 29, 2022, is aimed at bolstering support for nursing mothers in the workplace. The guidance comprises a recorded webinar, presentation slides, and FAQs, all crafted to provide clarity and assistance to employers navigating these new obligations.

Industry-Specific Examples and Insights

The latest guidance includes industry-specific examples pertinent to restaurant and retail businesses. For instance, it elucidates scenarios such as the entitlement of an exempt area manager overseeing a multi-state chain to break and space protections for a year following the birth of their child. This tailored guidance aims to address the unique challenges and circumstances encountered within these sectors.

Additional Resources and Accessibility

Moreover, the DOL's website offers specialized guidance for other industries such as agriculture, care, and transportation. Additionally, general guidance applicable to all employers is provided in multiple languages, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity in compliance efforts.

Through these initiatives, the DOL seeks to facilitate a smoother transition for employers in implementing the provisions of the PUMP Act, ultimately fostering a more supportive and accommodating workplace environment for nursing mothers across various sectors.


Federal Court Issues Permanent Injunction Against California's Mandatory Arbitration Law

A federal district court has issued a permanent injunction blocking California from enforcing its law prohibiting mandatory arbitration agreements as a condition of employment, known as AB 51. The court ruled that AB 51 is preempted by the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). This decision upholds a preliminary injunction previously affirmed by the U.S. Court of Appeals, effectively nullifying AB 51's provisions as of Feb. 15, 2023. It's advised to consult with legal counsel for all contractual matters.

This newsletter shares information on legislative and regulatory developments that may affect your business. Consultation with your Human Resources Professional, and in some cases legal counsel, is recommended to address any questions or concerns you may have that are related to these developments. As always, it is your obligation as the employer to ensure your compliance with applicable laws and regulations.. Please contact our team at (888) 356-4937 or info@pprclaw.com with any questions regarding state-specific guidance or application to your workplace.


鄭博仁聯合律師事務所 Law Offices of Paul P. Cheng & Associates
https://www.pprclaw.com | CN@pprclaw.com
888.356.4937 (中文法律專線) | 888.381.4244 (English)
790 E Colorado Blvd, Ste 260, Pasadena, CA 91101

鄭博仁 (Paul P. Cheng,Esq.), 美國南加州亞凱迪亞市市長、現任市議員,南加州知名審判出庭律師、美國聯邦最高法院出庭律師、美國國家暢銷書作家學會榮譽成員、前聖蓋博谷商會會長、事務所資深合夥人、創始人。早年擔任過檢察官、調停員,並先後多次前往亞洲進行講學。鄭博仁畢業於加州大學洛杉磯分校和西南法學院,也是加州州立大學Dominguez Hills分校的兼職講師。自小在美國接受教育又能講流利中文的鄭博仁律師,法律學術淵博精闢,擁有多年的出庭實戰經驗,曾代表不少跨國企業處理各種複雜的商業、勞工、地產等法律糾紛。除了解決糾紛之外,律所還為企業和企業家提供在各種國際和美國國內法律問題上的諮詢。此外,鄭博仁律師領導的事務所律師團隊,在主流社會也贏得來自業內同行的眾多殊榮,連續多年被評選授予“超級律師”、“洛杉磯傑出律師”等多項名譽。律師團隊也被美國主流媒體評選授予“全美發展最快私營企業前5000強”之中。鄭律師還是洛杉磯“千萬俱樂部”的一員,其會員需曾在法庭贏過至少一項10,000,000.00美元或更高的判決。


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