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07/29/2024     加州安老師才藝教育學苑

2024 年在馬來西亞檳城舉辦的世界城市杯在洛杉磯美國代表隊的歡呼聲中落下帷幕!我們美國代表隊由兩位實力驚人的選手代表。 Viviana Chen,獲得六年級組總冠軍; Yannick Nolasco 獲得了二年級組金獎。  在美國珠心算聯合會的指導下,同學們刻苦練習,在來自24個城市的近600名強敵中脫穎而出。我們為 Viviana 和 Yannick 帶來如此驚人的成績而感到自豪!  特別感謝美國珠心算聯合會會長安老師和我們的學生代表鄧維元在整個活動過程中的鼎力支持。

我們非常榮幸有鑽石吧市副市長鄧嘉猷博士和核桃谷水區會長Theresa Lee陪同我們的團隊。  開幕式主辦單位特邀鄧嘉猷博士為選手加油開幕致詞

World City Cup 2024 in Penang, Malaysia ended with a bang for the Los Angeles team! Our team was represented by two amazingly strong contestants. Viviana Chen, won the Grand Champion in the 6th Grade category; while Yannick Nolasco won the Gold Award in the 2nd Grade category.  Under the mentorship of United Abacus Arithmetic Association, our students practiced dilligently, and emerged victorious among a sea of close to 600 formidable competitors from 24 cities. We are so proud of Viviana and Yannick for bringing home such amazing results!  Special thanks should go to the dedicated support from the President of United Abacus Arithmetic Association, Ms. Carolyn An and our Assistant Sarah Teng throughout the event.

We are very honored to have Dr. Chia Yu Teng, City of Diamond Bar Mayor Pro-Tem and Theresa Lee, President of Walnut Valley Water District to accompany our team.  Dr. Chia Yu Teng was the invited guest for the opening ceremony and offered the contestants words of encouragement and wisdom.  


關於 加州安老師才藝教育學苑