林國彪Bieu Lam 626-374-7936
加州健保COVERED CALIFORNIA 包含大部分服務,緊急服務-處方藥-兒科服務-檢驗服務-心理健康服務
What COVERED CALIFORNIA Covered : Emergency Services - Prescription Drugs - Pediatric Services - Laboratory Services - Mental Health Services
為您的團隊提供更多健康計劃選擇 ,並僅申請專屬稅收抵免 ,都可透過加州健保 Covered California 來取得。
Give your team more health plan choices
and apply for exclusive tax credits only
available through Covered California.
健康保險計劃可低至每月 0 美元,並透過 Covered California 提供財務援助。透過特殊招生進行入學,生活發生重大變化。
Health insurance plans can be as low as $0 per month with financial help through Covered California. Enroll through special enrollment with a major life change.
是登記續約的時候!現在是時候登入您的 加州健保Covered California 線上帳戶並查看您的選項了。
Renewal is here! Now is the time to log into your Covered California online account and review your options.