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外幣匯價浮動不僅帶來投資良機,也為投資者調整投資組合,分散中長期存款, 避免美元浮動帶來的風險,提供選擇。從2010年7月1日起國泰銀行將推出澳幣定存高息優惠。開戶最低限額為兩萬五仟美元的等值外幣。開設6個月澳幣定存帳戶,可享4.35%年利率,3個月澳幣定存帳戶年利率為4.12%。

國泰銀行多年來向個人及商業客戶提供外匯服務,外匯專員經驗豐富。 除澳元外,國泰銀行還提供多種其他外幣選擇, 配合客戶的實際需要。此次優惠期有限, 有意者請儘快行動。優惠有條件限制,因外幣匯價之波動,投資的本金有上調或下降的可能。請光臨國泰銀行分行向金融服務代表查詢詳情。


成功之選,國泰銀行 國泰銀行成立於1962年,已為其社區居民提供多元化的金融服務超過48年。目前在加州營運31家分行,紐約州8家分行,伊利諾州3家分行,華盛頓州3家分行,德州2家分行,麻州1家分行,新澤西州1家分行及香港分行,還有代表辦事處分別設於台北及上海。國泰銀行之網址是http://www.cathaybank.com。

Cathay Bank: great interest rate on AUD fixed deposit!

The fluctuation of foreign currency exchange rate not only brings investment opportunities for investors but also adjusts portfolios and long-term deposits, avoids the risks of floating dollars. Cathay Bank will launch the high interest rate benefits of Australian dollar fixed deposit from July 1, 2010. The minimum amount is the equivalent amount of 25,000 dollars in foreign currency, which including 4.35% interest rate of 6-month fixed deposit and 4.12% interest rate of 3-month fixed deposit.

Cathay Bank provides foreign exchange services to personal and business customers over the years, possessing rich foreign exchange experience. In addition to Australian dollars, the Cathay Bank also offers a variety of other foreign currency options to meet the customer's actual needs. Since the promotional period is limited, please contact us as soon as possible. Due to the fluctuations of foreign currency exchange rate, capital investment may experience upward or downward. Please look for a financial service representative of Cathay Bank for details.

For more Cathay Bank's foreign exchange services, please visit the Cathay Bank website or call 1-866-228-4299.

Cathay Bank was established in 1962, has been providing a wide range of financial services to the residents of many communities for more than 48 years. There are 31 branches in California, 8 in New York, 3 in Illinois, 3 in Washington, 2 in Texas, 1 in Massachusetts, 1 in New Jersey and several in Hong Kong, Taipei and Shanghai. Cathay Bank's website: http://www.cathaybank.com.
