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林大衛保險:加州大乾旱,洛市卻水災 CA is dry, but LA has flood



UCLA已公開聲明學校與本事件無關,因此由本事件受到損壞的車輛,或許由LA的water and power 水電管理局賠償,但理賠過程或許很漫長。如果遇到類似情況,建議車主把車拖到修車廠烘乾維修,並檢查電路無恙後再啟動。現在很多新型的汽車都由電腦控制,電路系統更複雜,而水是導體,輕易發動汽車可能會造成更嚴重的損失。

如果是全保的車輛,保障內容裏有一項comprehensive coverage可以賠付您的維修費用, 您只需支付自己的自付額,保險公司會賠付剩下的部分。全保的保障還有一項叫loss of use(可選), 如果在車子維修期間需要租車,保險公司會賠償每天租車費用$30一天(不同保障內容或金額不同),最多30天。

Comprehensive coverage 不僅包括各種天災如暴風雨,土石流,火災,水淹,還有人為的如被塗鴉,被盜,蟲咬,被動物撞等,而這次的事件正屬於本項目的賠償範圍。

如果是半保, 車輛維修的費用需要全額自己支付。




On July 29th, 2014 a 93 year old water main near UCLA ruptured and completely flooded the UCLA campus with over 20 million gallons of water.

Extensive damage was done to UCLA and an estimated 700 vehicles were stranded during the flood. Many affected students have reached out to Topco Insurance asking for advice on how to handle this matter.

First and foremost, DO NOT turn on your vehicle before you get the electrical circuits inspected. Doing so may risk greater damage. For policyholders who have full coverage, you are only responsible for the deductible.

For policyholders who have liability only insurance, they will have to pay the auto repair bill out of pocket and then go through, what we assume to be, a long claims process. Please keep ALL receipts to ensure a smooth claims process.

You may also want to check with your insurance agent if you have extra insurance like Loss of Use insurance and towing insurance. Loss of Use insurance will pay for the insured to rent a vehicle while their vehicle is being repaired, usually up to $30 per day for up to 30 days.

Although things like full coverage, loss of use and towing insurance may seem unnecessary when you are purchasing auto insurance, please keep in mind that these extra coverages can save a lot of headache when disaster strikes.

Topco Insurance is happy to assist you with any more questions or concerns you may have about this incident, or any other insurance questions that you may have.
