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楊清泉律師 法院民事訴訟 經驗豐富


楊清泉律師有30多年律師經驗,畢業於華盛頓特區喬治亞城大學法學院(Georgetown University Law School),獲法學碩士學位,擅長破產法、離婚及家庭法、地產法、移民法、商業、貿易和國際法。州及聯邦法院民事訴訟 及出庭,包括破產和移民法庭,經驗豐富。

楊律師通國語、福建語,專精加州個人、公司或生意第七章、十三章及十一章破產 案件。涵蓋聖地牙哥、聖塔芭芭拉、河濱縣、聖塔安娜、洛杉磯、聖芭那汀諾和三藩市。精辦聯邦法院和第九巡迴法庭上訴。

許多人對美國破產法有錯誤的概念,破產法的意圖為個人或公司解除過多的累積債務而給你一個全新的開始。這是一個很好的法規,給欠債者一個機會,保住自己的房子、車 子、退休帳戶及其他財產。如果沒有破產保護法,欠債過多的人將永遠無法擺脫重重債務的束縛而毀其一生。第十三章讓欠債人償還力所能及的債務而又能保住其財產。

如有任何關於破產(公司或個人),離婚, 商業及其他法律方面的問題,請立刻洽詢。首次面談半小時免費。



1000 S. Fremont Ave. Bldg. A1, #1125

Alhambra, CA 91803

(626) 284-1142

Law Offices of Lawrence B. Yang

Attorney Yang graduated from Georgetown University Law School, graduating with master degree in law, who has more than 30 years experience. Attorney Yang, being specializing in bankruptcy law; divorce and family law; real estate law; immigration law; business law; trade and international law, provides support to civil litigation and appearance in state and federal courts with rich bankruptcy and immigration court experience.

Attorney Yang is a trial attorney of the United States Bankruptcy court; a trial attorney of the California State court and also a member of the California State Bar Association. Attorney Yang can speak English, Mandarin and Fujianess, specializing in bankruptcy cases of Individual and company bankruptcy Chapter 7, 11, 13, whose cases cover San Diego, Santa Barbara, Riverside, Santa Ana, Los Angeles, San Bernardino and San Francisco area. In California, he handled more than 6,000 successful cases.

Many people misunderstand the Bankruptcy Law. Bankruptcy law intended to lift excessive accumulation of debt for individual or company and give you a new start. This is a very good term which gives debtors a chance to protect their homes, cars, retirement accounts and other fixed property. Without bankruptcy law, debtors will never get rid of massive debt and bondage. Accordingly, the debt might destroy their entire lives. Bankruptcy Chapter 13 allows a debtor to repay as much debt as they can in order to keep their property.

If you have any bankruptcy (companies or individuals), divorce, business and other law issues, please contact us immediately. It is free of charge for the first 30 minutes interview.


1000 S. Fremont Ave. Bldg. A1, #1125

Alhambra, CA 91803

(626) 284-1142


關於 楊清泉律師事務所