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Ever heard of Manna from heaven? After God delivered the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt, Moses led them through a long journey through the desert before they were able to arrive after 40 years at the Promised Land of Canaan. While they were travelling through the dessert (no GPS yet at that time) searching for the Promised Land, they did not have enough food to feed themselves from their livestock. Just several days wandering about in Death Valley in California with no food and water will surely kill you. So, the Jews started to complain to Moses that they were better off as slaves in Egypt because even though they were slaves to Pharaoh, they had enough to eat, and here they are, following the lead of Moses, lost in the desert without food and water. They do complain a lot even after witnessing the “angel of death” passing over their first born, killing only the first born of the Egyptians, including the first born of Pharaoh which finally convinced Pharaoh to let them go and the parting of the Red Sea to allow them to escape the pursuing Egyptians! I mean, they are really too much and they demand too much of God.

So they blew it again. They made a cow out of gold and worshipped it as their god! Can you believe it? After everything that God has done for them, they turn around and betray Him. What a bunch of fools they are. By worshiping the gold cow, they condemned themselves to being lost in the desert for 40 years because God would not allow anyone who worshipped the cow to set foot on the Promised Land and it took 40 years for the last one of the cow worshippers to die. While they revel in debauchery before the golden cow, Moses goes up the mountain to tell God that the people are complaining that they have no food and water.

God tells Moses that He will send them food every morning and water will spring out of a rock if Moses strikes the rock with his staff. The next morning when the Jews wake up they discover there are bread like substances on the ground. They are able to grind these into bread and eat it. However, God tells Moses that they should only gather enough of “Manna from heaven” to last a day. God will send them Manna every morning so there is no need to store up on Manna. But since the Jews cannot follow instructions, they gather more than what is needed for the day and sure enough the excess Manna spoils the next day.


關於 楊清泉律師事務所