切換簡體 商家登錄



Many clients tell me that they cannot sleep and suffering much because their creditors are hounding them day and night. The IRS has garnished their wages. They are being sued and their bank accounts levied upon. If you are in this situation, think of the sufferings that Job went through. Who is Job? He was a man who lived about 4,000 years ago and his story is contained in the oldest book of the Bible next to the book of Genesis. Job was probably the wealthiest man of his time. He had 7 sons and 3 daughters and owned the following: 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 oxen, 500 donkeys and a large number of servants. He had it made. He was blessed with family, wealth and blessings of every kind imaginable. By today’s standards, he would be in the league of Steve Jobs (no relation) the owner of Apple who was worth 6 billion dollars when he died; Sam Walton, the owner of Walmart, and Bill Gates, the owner of Microsoft.

Job had it all. In addition, Job was a man of God and faithful to God. By God, we mean Yahweh, the God of Moses and Abraham, the one true God. My God, our God, the Creator of heaven and earth and the entire universe, who sent His only and beloved Son, Jesus to die for our sins. So, the devil tells God that Job is faithful to God only because He has blessed him with so much. God then responded that “you can do everything in your power to Job, but on the man himself, do not lay a finger.”

The devil took away everything that Job had. All his ten children died, as did all his sheep, camels, oxen and donkeys. All his servants left him because he had no money to pay their wages. Job lost everything, his family, wealth and everything else he was blessed with. Despite all his sufferings, Job did not lose his faith in God. He remained faithful to God and said that “I came into this world naked with nothing. The Lord gave and the Lord took away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!”



關於 楊清泉律師事務所