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Sometimes you wonder why you acquire so much debt without really thinking about it. Client makes $20,000 a month which is high income. When his home increased in value in 2006, he obtained a home equity loan of $300,000 and used that as down payment to buy two McMansions. With 3 houses and $1.5 M of loans on the houses, his monthly mortgage payment was $12,000. When the housing market crashed in 2008, he lost 2 houses to foreclosure since he could not make the payments even with husband and wife working 3 jobs. So, the bank sues him for $300,000 for the home equity loan which is now an unsecured debt. First he scratches his head and wonders why he decided to get such a large loan. Then he says, “Because I was greedy, I thought the values of the 3 houses would keep on going up then I could sell two and make a million dollars after paying back the $300,000!” Now he seeks bankruptcy relief.

It was his desire for a million dollars that made him decide to borrow $300,000. So, be careful of what your heart desires because it can lead to destruction. This is what happened to King David. King David was the one who killed Goliath, the Philistine giant, with a slingshot. From a shepherd boy, God made David, king of Israel and Judah after Saul. He had 6 wives and numerous concubines. While walking in the roof of his palace, he saw Bathsheba, who was then the wife of Uriah, naked and taking a bath on the roof of her house which was just across the palace. Let’s just say that Bathsheba was a young, well-endowed beautiful woman who looked a lot better than Goliath. At that point in time, David forgot about his 6 wives and numerous concubines. His eyes and his heart coveted Bathsheba. He forgot the 10th commandment, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife!” Covet means he lusted after Bathsheba and wanted to commit adultery. He forgot the 7th commandment: “Thou shalt not commit adultery!” At that moment, King David’s desire to have Bathsheba caused him to break two commandments. And as we shall see later, he will also break another commandment, the 6th “Thou shall not commit murder!” King David became a fornicator, adulterer and murderer because of his strong desire for Bathsheba.



關於 楊清泉律師事務所