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Last week we talked about King David and his lust for Bathsheba. As punishment for King David’s sins of coveting Bathsheba who was Uriah’s wife and murdering Uriah so he could marry her even though he already had 6 wives and numerous concubines, the first born son of David and Bathsheba died several days after birth. But their second son, Solomon succeeded David as King of Israel and Judah.

King Solomon had a dream. He dreamt that God, Yahweh, the God of Moses and Israel, my God whose only Son, Jesus, became man through the Blessed Virgin Mary, and willingly died on the cross to redeem mankind from the consequences of sin, asked him what he wanted. Solomon asked for wisdom so that he would be a fair and just to his people. God was pleased with what Solomon asked for because most people would ask for longevity and wealth. God was so pleased with Solomon that not only did He give him wisdom. He also gave him longevity and great wealth. However, God’s condition was that he would continue to have wisdom, longevity and great wealth as long as Solomon walked with God and followed His commandments.

Two women who lived in the same house had given birth. One of the babies died at night. The mother of the dead baby switched her baby for the live one. In the morning, she claimed the live one as her own. Both women brought their dispute to King Solomon. Solomon asked for a sword and told the women he was going to cut the baby in half and give each woman half. The fake mother agreed. The real mother disagreed and told the King the other woman could keep the baby. King Solomon gave the baby to the real mother. Wisdom leads to the truth and the truth is that the woman who was willing to give up the baby so the baby may live, instead of being cut in half, is the real mother.



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