切換簡體 商家登錄



If you have debt problems, think of seven loaves of bread and two fish. A crowd of 5,000 men, their wives and children, making the crowd about 15,000 to 20,000, had been listening to Jesus talk in the wilderness. On the third day, the disciples of Jesus told Him that He should send the crowd home. But Jesus was concerned that the crowd would be hungry because they had been following Him for three days and had finished all the food that they had brought with them. The disciples replied that there were only seven loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus then held up the loaves and fish towards heaven and thanked God for His blessing. Thereafter He broke the bread and the fish and told the disciples to put them in twelve baskets and to distribute the bread and fish to feed a crowd of 20,000 men, women and children.

How can you feed a crowd of 20,000 with seven loaves of bread and two fish? The disciples must have thought that Jesus had lost His mind. Nevertheless, they had faith in Him being divine and did as they were told. Lo and behold, the baskets were continuously replenished with bread and fish until each and every one of the 20,000 were fully fed! This event shows that Jesus loves us so that He does not want us to be hungry, and, if we rely on Him, we rely on the infinite source of abundance. His disciples had asked Him to send the crowd home. It was Jesus who said that they must be hungry and should be fed, instead of being sent home hungry. It was also Jesus who said that “A thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. But I have come that they may live and live life abundantly.”

If you are worried that your debts destroy you financially, pray to Jesus because He cares for you and loves you, hence He will surely provide a solution to free you from debt enabling you to be productive again. He cares that the crowd of 20,000 is hungry and should be fed. Thus, He must also care that you will be free of your debt problems because they prevent you from living life abundantly.



關於 楊清泉律師事務所