切換簡體 商家登錄



Adam was the first man created by God, my God, the God of Moses and Israel, who sent His only and beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to mankind, who became incarnate through the Blessed Virgin Mary and willingly suffered and died on the cross for us, because He loved us so, to redeem us from the consequences of sin, so that we may have eternal life with Them in paradise. What was Adam’s restriction and what does that have to do with your debts?

Adam was free to roam around paradise and eat from every fruit tree there, except one. God told him “You can eat from every fruit, except one.” Well, if you ask me, it’s a great deal. Imagine if you were allowed into a new buffet restaurant, for free. That new buffet restaurant had all kinds of great food in it. It had seafood, steaks, Asian, Mexican, anything you can think of, they had it. You want sushi, they had a hundred kinds of sushi and hand rolls. You want Asian; they had Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Filipino, Burmese, and even Laotian. You want European; they had French, German, Irish and even Swiss. You want Middle Eastern; they had Persian, Lebanese and even Syrian, untainted by chemicals. You get the idea. However, the owner of the restaurant told you that you can eat anything you wanted in his buffet restaurant, for free, but you are not to eat the Korean kimchi on table 1. Just imagine that, you can eat anything you want for free!

However, you invite your friend, Lucifer to the buffet, because the owner gave you two free tickets to the buffet. Lucifer now tells you, “What kind of deal is that? It sucks. You cannot eat everything in the buffet because you are prohibited to eat kimchi.” And you tell Lucifer, “Who cares, I hate kimchi. Even my dog hates kimchi. We can eat everything in the buffet, except kimchi!” So, Lucifer replies, “The owner is restricting you because if you eat kimchi, you will become like God.” So, you see the subtle twist in reasoning can change how you look at something which you thought was a great deal, because it is a great deal, into suspicion and doubt.

What was the promise of America? In America, it doesn’t matter who you are, what your race is, what your religion is, you can succeed. You study, you work, you build up a business, and you live the promise of America. You were also told; don’t borrow money except to buy a house to live in, or a car. So, what is this restriction about not borrowing money? You think you make good money, good credit so you decide to incur all kinds of debt because you do not want to be restricted. The creditors tell you, you can borrow money to buy ten houses, five cars, and travel the world in style, don’t restrict yourself to your income, and don’t live within your means.

If you have already borrowed too much money, consider a Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy, to start fresh without debt while keeping your assets and income intact. Adam did not have a second chance. He and his wife, Eve, were expelled from Paradise after they listened to Lucifer and ate of the forbidden fruit that gave them knowledge of good and evil. That was the fall of man from the good graces of God. Fortunately for us, even if Adam and his descendants, us, were not given a second chance at that time to reenter paradise, God so loved us that He sent His only and Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to the world to redeem us from what Adam and our sinful nature has done to us. We were damned to hell, but Jesus agreed to die for us so that we could be given the chance to enter heaven again. We are so lucky because our God loves us so even if we are not deserving of His love!


關於 楊清泉律師事務所