切換簡體 商家登錄



We worry about so many things that are not on the right track in our lives. We worry about our children and their future. We worry about our retirement. Are we going to remain healthy when we retire and are we going to have enough money when we retire? Is our country headed in the right direction or is our country hopelessly bankrupt? The years fly by so fast. Will we live another 20 years, or another 10 years? Are we going to get cancer and die?

A lot of people have too much debt and they spend a lot of time worrying about that debt. Creditors hound them day and night. Creditors threaten to sue them and get their wages. How will they pay their mortgage and buy food if their wages are garnished? Their son is going to college next year so their expenses will increase by $1,000 a month. Where are they going to get the money to help their son get through college? Clients tell me their concerns all the time.

What should we do when we are exhausted and tired from worrying about debt? The Bible provides the answer. Psalm 23 written by King David says “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil: for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

King David’s God is my God, the God of Moses and Israel, Who sent His only and beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to us and Who became man through the Blessed Virgin Mary and Who willingly suffered and died for us, to redeem us from the consequences of sin, so that we may have eternal life with them in paradise, because He loves us so. God and His Son, Jesus, should be our guide in life. He is our shepherd and we are his sheep. If we have problems with debt, and tired from worrying about debt, we should follow our Lord, our shepherd. He will bring us to green pastures and still waters where we can rest with Him. There, He will renew our spirit and lead us along the right path. Our Lord takes care of us because He wants to because He loves us.

He will not bring us to a hot and barren dessert when we need rest from our financial problems. He will not bring us to a turbulent sea full of danger. No, He will guide us to green pastures full of flowers and fruits ripe for us to pick and eat. He will guide us to a peaceful and calm stream where we can rest and refresh ourselves.

Even if there is a raging storm, His rod and Hs staff will comfort us and guide us to safety. He will bring us to a warm and cozy shelter from the storm. Go to Him.

After giving us rest and shelter, our Lord and Sovereign, Jesus, Who is also our friend Who loves us because He died for our sins, will prepare a banquet for us, eat-all-you-can buffet, the best of every cuisine, in the presence of our enemies, and He will anoint us with oil. Our cup will run over. Goodness and mercy will be given to us for the rest of our lives, and we will live in His house forever! This is the promise of our God to you if you let Him shepherd you in life.


關於 楊清泉律師事務所