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Sing‧炫‧瘋 in 華人工商大展 2008歌唱大賽

華人工商大展(Asian American Expo)與 Reincarnation Performance Group (表演藝術工作室) 將於二零零八年十月十八及十九日於San Mateo Expo Center舉辦名為“Sing‧炫‧瘋” in 華人工商大展 2008 歌唱大賽”。華人工商及Reincarnation表演藝術工作室將聯同灣區各大學攜手合辦這次大型歌唱比賽。選拔賽的範圍覆蓋了灣區各地校園,比賽型式創新。灣區各校園舉辦的地方性選拔賽將選出各自的前三甲來代表該校參與十月十八及十九日於San Mateo Expo Center的複賽和總決賽。


“Sing‧炫‧瘋”與傳統的歌唱比賽很不一樣,各校的前三甲將決戰於舞台比拼Sing 的功力,炫的魅力,和瘋 的感染力。Reincarnation表演藝術工作室也會現場助戰,給予各校的前三甲星級的包裝。不管喜愛歌唱表演的你、喜歡熱鬧活動的你、甚至喜好獎品但又不活躍的你,均可密切留意華人工商網的報導。更多驚喜內容將會陸續放送!

Asian American Expo and Reincarnation Performance Group presents: ““Sing‧炫‧瘋” in華人工商大展 2008歌唱大賽“on October 18th &19th, 2008 at the San Mateo Expo Center. “Sing‧炫‧瘋” is unique for its collaborative singing competition put together by various student associations from Bay Area universities and colleges. Each of these institutions will begin by hosting its preliminary round where 3 winners are selected. These selected winning contestants will then have the chance to advance and compete with fellow competitors from other institutions at our featured event, “Sing‧炫‧瘋” in華人工商大展 2008歌唱大賽”. Winners will be showered with cash prizes from $300, $500, and even $1000. Top finalist will also have the once in a life time experience to perform on stage with a guest singer from Taiwan.

If you are looking for a perfect way to beat the gray of autumn, be a part of this thrilling event. You can make history thru your singing, you can write history by casting your vote, or you can be part of history by supporting your favorite contestant on October 18th & 19th, 2008 — “Sing‧炫‧瘋” in華人工商大展 2008歌唱大賽”

