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宏韻伴唱音響 國慶大優惠


July 4th國慶假期來臨,專門批發與零售各種卡拉OK音響器材的Acekaraoke「宏韻伴唱音響」,特別推出多款卡拉OK音響器材的大優惠。

大 優惠的特價品包括:2010年Acesonic KOD-920中文版豪華雙螢幕式卡拉OK點唱機,內建超大容量2000 GB的硬碟,歌曲庫容納包括到2010年6月流行的3萬2000多首歌曲,原人原音原影伴唱,並提供六個月免費升級歌曲庫,支援單/雙螢幕操作, 可用:歌星、歌名、拼音、字數、及歌曲號碼等方式進行點歌,原價899元,特價售799元。

另外,含兩隻八吋300瓦卡拉 OK專業喇叭、加兩隻VHF無線麥克風的卡拉OK音響組合,特價售499元。含兩隻10吋600瓦卡拉OK專業喇叭、加兩隻UHF無線麥克風的卡拉OK音 響組合,特價售999元。BMB 400瓦擴大機、加BMB 10吋卡拉OK專業喇叭一對,現特價售1199元。此外,19吋點歌螢幕、加滑鼠,售199元。19吋LCD觸控式螢幕,售499元。

宏 韻伴唱音響創立至今將近10年,是首屈一指的卡拉OK設備連鎖店及製造商,自行研發製造的多媒體影音播放機及其週邊設備行銷全美,品質優良售後服務完善。 該公司三家零售點都有設備完整的展示廳可實際體驗。顧客也可在全美Acekaraoke零售商及透過24小時網路商店 www.acekaraoke.com購買該公司的產品。包含多功能的卡拉OK播放器、無線麥克風、多種卡拉OK娛樂場所等級的擴大機、混音機及喇叭等。

「宏 韻伴唱音響」的總公司與發貨中心地址為161 8th Ave., City of Industry,中文專線電話626-820-0632;橙縣地區可至14106 E. Firestone Blvd., Santa Fe Springs,電話562-926-1688;奇諾岡地區可至3860 B-2, Grand Ave., Chino,電話909-464-2888。都是七天營業。任何產品問題,可電626-820-0608找中文銷售員洽詢。

Acekaraoke offers discount on stereo system

Acekaraoke carries the largest selection of karaoke music CDs and karaoke machines. Acekaraoke launches large promotion on all kinds of audio equipment and karaoke stereo system during the national day sale.

Special offer includes: Acesonic KOD-920 2010 Chinese luxury dual-screen jukebox karaoke; built-in high capacity 2000 GB hard drive; most updated music library which including more than 32,000 songs; Primal Sounds of the original film accompaniment, and support system of single / dual-screen operation. We only charge $799 on National Day sale, compared to the original price $899.

In addition, we offer special sale of $499 for two eight-inch 300w Karaoke professional speakers, plus two VHF wireless microphone karaoke sound combinations; $999 for two 10-inch 600w Karaoke professional speakers, plus two UHF wireless microphone karaoke sound combinations; $1,199 for BMB 400-watt amplifier, plus BMB 10-inch Karaoke professional speakers; $199 for 19-inch screen, plus the mouse; and $499 for 19-inch LCD touch screen.

Acekaraoke has been established for nearly 10 years, which is the leading Karaoke chain store and Karaoke equipment manufacturer now. Acekaraoke developed its own manufacturing multimedia players with its high quality and perfect after-sales service. The company has three retail stores with fully equipped showrooms to exhibit its uniqueness. Customers can also make purchases either at Acekaraoke retailers nationwide or at the 24-hour online store www.acekaraoke.com.

Address: 161 8th Ave., City of Industry, tel 626-820-0632; 14106 E. Firestone Blvd., Santa Fe Springs, tel 562-926-1688; 3860 B-2, Grand Ave., Chino, tel 909-464-2888.

Open seven days a week. Chinese hotline: 626-820-0608


關於 宏韻伴唱音響