5/8 五月“美芝念親恩” 慈善餐舞會
為慶祝母親節,美芝秀特別安排在五月八日星期六晚上7時至10時舉辦“美芝念親恩”暨慈善餐舞會。是次晚會將在San Marino市的康樂中心舉行。當天晚上將會有豐富自助餐晚宴﹑精彩時裝﹑舞獅﹑歌唱和太極表演﹑更有跳舞娛樂﹑慈善拍賣,更有鮮花和禮物包餽贈每位媽媽,實在不容錯過。門票分VIP票 $45.00與普通票$38.00兩種。購買門票更有美芝產品贈送。趕快到美芝秀定購晚會門票。如有興趣捐款或捐贈拍賣禮品﹐敬請與岑太聯絡。
On May 8, 2010, DSC will host a charity event in honor of all mothers, “Motherly Love – DSC Way”. There will be great food, live entertainment, “Absolutely Beautiful” fashion show, dancing and a charity silent auction to raise funds for CCHC, whose programs benefit single mothers and cancer survivors. We welcome your generous sponsorship/donation.
晚會地址 Event location: San Marino市的康樂中心1800 Huntington Drive, San Marino (@ West Drive)
購票地點Ticket sales: 歡迎大家來電(626) 285-0800或者親臨美芝秀查詢購票