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美+美護膚中心 最新鐳射王一分鐘無痛洗眉、洗眼線 特價180元

美+美 美容院

由15年豐富經驗的資深美容師Sasa主持的「美+美護膚中心」(Beauty Plus Skin Care),推出最新鐳射王,無痛洗眉、洗眼線、永久除痣、黑斑、肉芽、老人斑特惠。


Sasa總是不斷叮嚀客人,想保持青春美麗,每日除了應該三餐作息正常,注意營養 外,定期專業的護膚保養對顏面的修護有很大的作用。因此該中心特別針對不同年齡層,不同的膚質,設計各種不同保養護膚療程。

該 中心表示,「美+美護膚中心」的最新鐳射王一分鐘無痛洗眉、洗眼線,特價180元。專業一秒鐘永久除痣、黑斑、肉芽、老人斑等,不留下疤痕,現在十元起。 特價優惠還有IPL 鐳射治療(即IPL彩光去斑嫩膚治療),買五送五次IPL,特價500元。凡紋繡眉毛、眼線、柔唇等150元起。

另 外還推出夏季永久絕毛療程:腋下五次180元、手臂五次300元、腿部五次450元及比基尼五次400元。無效全額退費。地址 2209 N. San Gabriel Blvd.,#E,Rosemead,CA ,電話626-288-9678。

資料來源: worldjournal

Beauty + Skin Care Center Offers More to the Public

With the 15 years of experience in senior beautician, Sasa hosted " Beauty + Skin Care Center" , promoted the latest laser King, painless eyebrow and eyeliner washing, a permanent remover of moles, dark spots, granulation and age spots with favorable price.

Female’s skin elasticity gradually decline, appears more and more spots from 25-year-old. Without paying attention to good maintenance, their skin will be aging faster.

Sasa constantly reminded her guests that in order to maintain youthful beauty, you should not only take healthy three meals a day but also pay attention to the regular maintenance of your facial skin care. This Skin Care Center specifically designs a variety of skin care treatment for different age groups and different kinds of skin.

Beauty + Skin Care Center charges $180 for one minute latest laser King, painless eyebrow and eyeliner washing; $10 for one second permanent remover of moles, dark spots, granulation, age spots, etc. without leaving any scars; $500 for IPL laser treatment (Now buy five times IPL and get extra five times with free of charge.) and $150 for adding eyebrows, eyeliners, lips, etc.

In addition, the center also promotes a permanent summer hair shave treatment: $180 of five times of armpit, $300 of five times of arm shave, $450 of five times of leg shave and $400 of five times of bikini shave. We will give full refund to invalid operation.

Address 2209 N. San Gabriel Blvd., # E, Rosemead, CA, phone 626-288-9678.

Source: worldjournal
