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許靜牙科中心 推出夏季特別優惠




許靜牙醫師溫馨提醒大家, 雖然現在經濟低迷,但千萬不要忽視牙齒的保健。大量醫學研究證明:牙齒的健康與全身健康密切相關,尤其是有糖尿病,高血壓,心髒病的患者和孕婦更需定期進行口腔檢查,護理。為此,許靜牙科中心願意為大家提供廉價優質的服務。服務範圍:成人及兒童牙科,牙齒美容漂白,根管治療,牙周病,普通及深度洗牙,牙冠牙橋,活動及固定假牙,人工植牙。


許靜牙科中心位於聖蓋博市:(緊鄰聖蓋博醫院),擁有大量免費停車位。電話:626-282-2068 。

Elegant Dental Center provides special summer offer

Elegant Dental Center is providing special summer offer. The center accepts all kinds of medical insurance. They charges $38 for general wash, general check and two times of X-Ray check for those who don’t have insurance.

Dr. Xu graduated from UCSF and owned 15 years of practical experience.

Dr Xu reminds everyone that the long physical and psychological strain and work overload will overwork. Discomfort of missing teeth and dentures in a long term is very harmful to our body. The loss of normal chewing ability causes gastrointestinal function decline and the weakness of the immunity system. Dr. Xu said that the latest medical research pointed that periodontal disease is a direct lead to heart disease and fatal cerebral embolism. So keeping your teeth healthy is an effective solution of preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular embolism. As the erosion of periodontal bacteria, coupled with the pressure of chewing, gingival sulcus of bacteria and toxic material are suppressed to the tissue, which may cause serious systemic disease. It is the high time to pay attention to the treatment of your periodontal disease.

The services of Dr Xu’s dental center includes: teeth bleaching, root canal therapy, periodontal disease, general and depth scaling, crown and bridge, and dental implants.

Elegant Dental Center

Address: 416 West Las Tunas Drive,#107,San Gabriel, CA 91776. Tel: 626-282-2068


關於 許靜牙醫博士