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許多新移民想從事會計工作,卻苦於沒有美國文憑和經驗;而美國大學會計畢業生也苦於缺乏實務經驗來説明找工作。由註冊會計師主辦的QUICKBOOK-123可以説明他們解決求職難問題。QUICKBOOK-123將於本週六上午(7月17日)新開會計實務班,詳細講解公司實用會計和稅務及2010 版QUICKBOOK會計軟體。

QUICKBOOK-123通過實用的會計實務培訓來提高新移民的會計實務技能,使之成爲合格的處理各類業務的公司財務會計。在美國從事會計工作不像中國大陸必須要有會計上崗證,許多公司歡迎沒有美國文憑但有實務技能的人才。QUICKBOOK-123專講大學裡不講的會計實務經驗,如電腦化的帳戶設置、現金收付、銀行對帳、購銷定單、應收應付、庫存管理、固定資産折舊、銷售稅及工資稅核算(941、940、DE-6、1099、W-2/ W-3等稅表)、公司省稅規劃及會計報表編制等。QUICKBOOK-123用英漢雙語教學,並實施“三包”,即包會、包教材、包諮詢。開班地點在9060 Telstar Ave., #222, El Monte,歡迎先試聽後報名(電話:626-589-6958)。

QUICKBOOK-123: Register after your test listening

Many new immigrants want to engage in accounting area, but lacking of accounting diploma and the practical experience in the United States while other accounting graduates from local universities find it is hard to get an accounting job without practical experience in accounting area. QUICKBOOK-123 can help solve the problem. QUICKBOOK-123 hosted by CPA firms will offer new accounting practice classes this weekend (7/ 17) to explain the 2010 version of QUICKBOOK accounting software and practical accounting and corporate taxation in detail.

QUICKBOOK-123 is to improve their skills in practical accounting through practical training with Quickbook and other software. Unlike in China, you can work as an accountant without the accounting CPA license in the United States. Many companies still welcome those who have practical skills without diploma of local university. The QUICKBOOK-123 specifically talks about the experience of accounting practices which might not be even mentioned in the university, such as online account settings, account receivable and payable, bank reconciliation, sales orders purchase, inventory management, fixed assets depreciation, sales tax, payroll tax accounting (941,940, DE-6, 1099, W-2 / W-3 tax returns, etc.), corporate tax planning and corporate financial statement and so on. QUICKBOOK-123 teaches in English and Chinese bilingual language. We also provide on-site troubleshooting, and implementation of the "three guarantees", which means the class will cover materials, counseling and understanding.

Register after your test listening!

Address: El Monte (9060 Telstar Ave., # 222, El Monte)

Registration Phone: 626-589-6958
