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施雅婷國際美儀模特學苑 培訓LA華埠小姐選美比賽


First class for 2015 Miss LA Chinatown with sixteen beautiful contestants. Here is a video of our Miss Tina from Tina Modeling, House of Etiquette training the contestants for the upcoming pageant! A modeling coach must have a beautiful walk herself too! ​Looking forward to the 50th anniversary for Miss LA Chinatown in the new year!

2015年 LA華埠小姐選美比賽就要開始啦,而這十六位美麗的佳麗也迎來了她們的第一堂培訓課。以下這段影片來自Tina老師特别為参賽者錄製的一小段優雅的台步,為馬上要來的比賽做準備。十分期待即將到來的第五十屆 LA華埠小姐選美比賽。
