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施雅婷國際美儀模特學苑 給媽咪一個難忘的母親節




在五星級酒店優雅的環境裏,學習下午茶的藝術及禮儀:如先倒茶還是先倒奶?三層點心塔從何下手? 碟子和茶杯的拿法、茶壺材質的選擇等.

課後將抽出幸運得主,獎品有:緊緻拉皮雷射 (價值$300)
              日式法餐禮券兩張 (價值$78)

Come celebrate Mother’s Day with an afternoon of tea etiquette! Treat your mom to a lovely afternoon of learning etiquette at a beautiful venue with fine tea and delectable treats!

Great prizes will be raffled after class!
1. FREE Laser Genesis treatment valued at $300!
2. Sunday Champagne Brunch GIFT CERTIFICATE for 2 at Akira Maison Restaurant valued at $78.00!

Saturday, May 2, 2015, 2:00 – 4:00pm at The Langham Hotel

Fees: $80/person; $150/ mother-daughter couple
   (price includes full cost of tea and class)

Register here: https://tinamodeling.wufoo.com/forms/afternoon-tea-workshop-registration-form/

Please call Tina Modeling's Assistant Manager, Angela (805) 236-6159 if you have any questions!
