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喬靖凱 • 吳慈音 聯合律師事務所 喬遷新址


親愛的客戶, 您好:

由於本法律事務所發展需要, 本事務所已從 San Marino搬遷至 Pasadena. 在此, 感謝各界人士長期以來對我們的關注和支持. 我們也將繼續努力為您提供更優質的服務!

新地址: 600 S. Lake Avenue, Suite 303

Pasadena, CA 91106

電話: (626) 698-0088

傳真: (626) 698-0068

CHIAO & WU, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW moves to the new location

Dear customer,

In order to meet the needs of the development, our law firm moved from San Marino to Pasadena, Thank you for being our customer and providing your support as always. We will continue to provide our best services to each client.

New Address: 600 S. Lake Avenue, Suite 303

Pasadena, CA 91106

Tel: (626) 698-0088

Fax: (626) 698-0068


關於 喬靖凱‧吳慈音律師事務所