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Fir Master遠紅外線產品獲認證


Fir Master公司表示,該公司Relax遠紅外線產品,採用獨特的蜂巢式半導體技術,獲德國紐倫堡及美國匹茲堡世界發明獎。在品質控管上也通過ISO、 GMP及FDA等級CE、GS安規認證,經台灣工研院及日本檢驗證實能夠發出遠紅外線能量。

歡迎26日前往LA Convention Center, KNBC Wellness展中FIR Master攤位了解產品詳情並試用。詳情可上網www.networkevents.tv或Email:info@fir-master.com,或電 話626-823-2522洽詢。

該公司表示,該遠紅外線照射器為美國衛生署及台灣衛生署GMP優良醫療器材。能深入皮下組 織,幫助新陳代謝,增進血液循環,消除酸痛,有助改善五十肩,關節疼痛,更用於洗腎者照顧。

Fir Master: Far Infrared products are certified

Fir Master indicates that the company's Far Infrared products with its unique semiconductor technology won the World’s Innovation Prize in Nuremberg, Germany and Pittsburgh, U.S. It has passed all the certifications of ISO, GMP in quality control and also won the safety certification of FDA, CE, GS. The technology is also certified and tested by Taiwan Polytechnic Research Institute and confirmed by Japan’s institution.

Welcome to visit our FIR Master Booth of KNBC Wellness Fair in LA Convention Center on the 26th for details. Details are also available online www.networkevents.tv or by Email: info@fir-master.com, or phone 626-823-2522.

The company explains that the far infrared radiation device is certified as the advanced medical equipment by U.S. Health Department and Taiwan Health Department GMP. It has the function of helping with the daily metabolism, improving blood circulation, eliminating pain and so on.
