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Health Tips for Holiday Eating (Part I.)

The holidays are here, and even though they come with enough cookies, candy and comfort foods to last a lifetime, don't run screaming from the buffet table just yet. Food may be a centerpiece of holiday festivities, but the holiday season doesn’t mean you have to pack on the party pounds. Try these tips for making your holidays healthful:

*Take the edge off your hunger before a party.
Feeling hungry can sabotage even the strongest willpower, so eat a small, low-fat snack such as fruit or low-fat cheese before you head out the door. This will help you avoid rushing to the buffet table when you arrive. *Make just one trip to the party buffet.
Choose only the foods you really want to eat and keep portions small. Often just a taste satisfies a food craving or curiosity. Also, move your socializing away from the buffet table to eliminate unconscious nibbling.

*Meet and greet.
Conversation is calorie-free. Get a beverage (try sparkling water and a lime twist rather than alcohol) and settle into the festivities by catching up with old friends and making new ones.

*Choose lower-calorie party foods.
Go easy on fried appetizers and cheese cubes. Instead, have some raw vegetables with a small amount of dip—just enough to coat the end of the vegetable— or try boiled shrimp or scallops with cocktail sauce or lemon. To help ensure there will be healthful treats, bring a dish to the party filled with raw vegetables with a yogurt or cottage cheese dip, or bring a platter of fresh fruit.

Provided by the American Dietetic Association

假日飲食健康秘訣 (1)

聖誕假期將至,你將 會受到曲奇、糖果等食物的引誘,但千萬不需要太緊張而特別避開吃大餐的機會。

食物可能是節日的重點,但並不表示你一定會在假期中增 磅。試試以下的秘訣,讓你可以吃得健康。

* 在派對前,不要空著 肚子

* 控制份量

* 多談少吃
交談並不含任何熱量,嘗試拿著飲料(可利用清水加青檸來代替酒精類飲品)在節日中與老朋友聚舊,以及認識新朋友。並且,將社交活動遠 離自助餐桌,這樣能消除無意識的飲食。

* 健康頭盤
少用炸物或芝士球作為頭盤小吃。提供蔬菜盆與低脂沙拉醬或乳酪(或預備一個鮮水果拼盤)。也可以用清水將蝦或扇貝煮熟,然後加入雞尾 酒醬或檸檬作為頭盤。

