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碘質是人體製造甲狀腺激素的必 要營養素,甲狀腺激素能調整人體多個新陳代謝的功能。我們可從海魚、海藻及其他海產中攝取碘質,每日只需少量的碘 質 (約每日110-130微克)已足夠維持人體所需的碘質。

最近傳聞碘鹽、碘片能預防幅射 的說法其實大錯特錯。碘片是針對四天內接觸到兩百五十毫西弗輻射量的人,才有吃的必要; 而吃鹽預防輻射並無任何醫學根據。若進食過量碘片或碘鹽, 碘質會影響甲狀腺的功能,導致甲狀腺腫大(俗稱「大頸泡」),攝入過多鹽份也會引致 高血壓。所以,要小心控制碘質的攝取量,也不要盲目相信謠傳。如對碘補充劑有任何疑問,可向你的家庭醫生或註冊營養師查詢。

We need iodine for normal thyroid function, and for the production of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones regulate a number of physiologic processes, including growth, development, metabolism, and reproductive function. We can get iodine from fish, seaweed and seafood. Only a small amount of iodine (about 110-130 micrograms per day) is sufficient to maintain the body function. Below is the table for iodine content of common foods.

Recently, there is a rumor about taking iodine tablet and iodized salt can help to protect us from radiation. In fact, iodine tablets are prescribed to people who have exposed to 250mSv of radiation within 4 days. In order to have the protective effect, iodine tablets need to be taken 48 hours before or 8 hours after radiation exposure. So we cannot take the iodine tablets as preventive measure. Too much iodine may affect the thyroid function, it can cause goiter (the enlargement of the thyroid glands). Too much iodized salt intake might increase blood pressure and affect kidney function. If there is a question about whether you need iodine supplements, the best is to consult your primary care doctor or your dietitian.
