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Make Half of the Grain Whole Grain

One of the new dietary guidelines and the new "my plate" suggest us to "make at least half of the grain whole grain".

Here are some tips to look for whole grain products:

1. Choose foods that name one of the following whole-grain ingredients first on the food label’s ingredient list:

"brown rice"
"rolled oats"
"whole-grain barley"
"whole-grain corn"
"whole-grain sorghum"
"whole-grain triticale"
"whole oats"
"whole rye"
"whole wheat"
"wild rice"

2. Watch out for foods labeled with the words "multi-grain," "stone-ground", "100% wheat", "cracked wheat", "seven-grain", or "bran". They are usually NOT whole-grain products.

3. Color is NOT an indication of a whole grain. Bread can be brown because of molasses or other added ingredients. Read the ingredient list to see if it is a whole grain.

Interested in learning about weight goal and nutrition needs?

Schedule a free body weight and fat% analysis with Hazel at 626-283-5128 or email to hazel@smarteater.net.




1. 選擇以下的食物是在食物標籤的成份表中排於第一位的全穀類:


2. 注意食品標籤上的成份,如“多穀類”(multi-grain),“石磨”(stone-ground),“100%小麥”(100% wheat),“己碾碎的小麥”(cracked wheat),“七穀類”(seven-grain) 或“麩皮”(bran),這些成份通常都不屬於全穀類食物。

3. 顏色並不能顯示產品是否為全穀類。麵包中添加了蜜糖或其他成分也會使麵包變成褐色,所以要仔細閱讀成份表,才能知道產品是否全穀類食物。

