10月22號,2013年。 我們很高興為大家宣佈一個好消息。 11 位高中應屆畢業生獲得了令人夢寐以求的全國“QB 終極獎項”[優秀清寒獎學金]。大部分人可能不大清楚這個獎項。這個獎學金包括了4年大學的學費,住宿費和 出行費。總和超過了20萬,也就是獲QB獎的應屆高中畢業生,帶著20萬挑選名校, 並且可同時提前申請 (11月1號)在QB網絡中的8所名校。沒錯, 只有QB終極獎項的得獎者,才可以同時提前申請8所名校。 這是一個可以讓獲獎者在申請名校時加分的全國獎項。QB 的入圍者一般都有保證可以進入QB 網絡中的一間學校,包括了在北美洲的名校,例如史丹福,耶魯,普林斯頓,達特茅斯,賓夕法尼亞大學,哥倫比亞大學,布朗大學,麻省理工大學,加州理工大學,還有南加州大學等。
“我們衷心祝賀這11位學生,他們所代表的是從維吉尼亞卅到整個南加州地區的最優秀的高中生~ 這11位學生, 在自己的高中全部都是名列前矛的學生, 甚至會說一口流利俄文, 但仍保留我們華人, 及韓國傳統特色, 其中一位是游泳健將, 充分展現文武雙全的申請者型像. ”萬里法律/教育集團的創始合夥人,梁萬里律師表示說,“作為他們的培訓人,我很高興在過去的幾個月裏和他們一起共同努力, 發揮每位學生的亮點我很以他們為榮。這證明正確的申請大學策略加上運用高等教育法已幾乎進了名校大門”。也衷心感謝學生家長的合作, 在申請學校的緊張時刻, 讓我們能專心培訓您們的小孩及花全部的精神在每一位學生論文的腦力激盪, 沒有您們默默的支持及理解, 我們絕對做不到, 謝謝!
“長久以來,很多人說亞裔無法進入名校。”萬里法律/教育集團蕭慧莉律師強調說,“這是因為我們的亞裔社區不清楚美國高等教育法,裏面闡明了以族裔限制入學名額,是違背憲法,但家庭收入,是合法參數。我們希望透過法律來告訴亞裔群眾,美國有2種快速通道申請名校,運動員和中低收入家庭。”蕭律師陳述,“中低收入家庭,屬於社會經濟劣勢,卻是申請大學的優勢。我們幫助眾多優秀的亞裔學生進入最好的大學,同時,可以獲得全額獎學學金。身為華裔美人律師, 是我們的責任義務。”蕭律師總結。
October 22, 2013. Irvine, CA. We are absolutely overjoyed to announce that 11 of our high school seniors have received the coveted Questbridge (QB) Finalist Award.
For those who are not familiar with this award, a QB Finalist qualifies for a scholarship that covers “Full four-year scholarships with no loans.” Last year, 2,000 students received more than $100 million in scholarship from QB partner schools (from the QB website). Thus, each student can receive about $50,000 per year in scholarship ($200K/4 years), which is probably the Biggest Scholarship Program in America. QB Finalist is a National-Level Award that allows recipients to receive ‘bonus points’ in their applications to top colleges.
QB Finalists could rank up to 8 colleges to apply “Early” at the same time. They are almost guaranteed to attend one of the schools with the scholarship in the QB Network, which includes schools such as Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Upenn, Columbia, Brown, MIT, Cal Tech, USC, Northwestern, Univ. of Chicago, Rice, Williams, Pomona, Amherst, Wellesley etc. – clearly many of the very best schools in America.
This outstanding group of students comes from high school all over southern California, and as far away as Virginia. Part of this group includes valedictorians (several of them are ranked 1st in their class), and the rest in the top 5%. We also have an athlete (freestyle sprint swimmer). As sons and daughters of immigrants, they remain true to their roots by speaking Chinese or Korean fluently. One even can speak Russian fluently.
“We wish to extend our congratulations to these outstanding students and their parents.” Attorney Allen M. Leung commented. “With the QB Scholarship, these students now can apply and choose the top ranking college they want because a QB Finalist can help get in. They can control their own destiny because they are almost guaranteed to gain admission into one of the schools within the QB network. It’s like a VIP Pass to top schools!”
“Sadly, many parents and students in the Asian community still don’t know about QB,” Attorney Winnie H. Shiao said. “With QB, Asian applicants can level the playing-field and gain admission to Ivy League more easily. You will definitely hear good news from these students in the upcoming months.”
This is an outstanding feat and these students and their parents should be very proud.
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