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《萬里法律/教育》11月14日在Whitney High 舉行“大學申請及助學金講座



我們在此誠摯通知您,我們將于11月14日6:45 PM在Whitney High 舉行“大學申請及助學金講座”。


我們很高興,受到 Whitney High School華裔家長協會的邀請舉行此次講座。我們經常與Cerritos 學區的家長合作,很欣賞家長們對孩子們的細心輔導及培育。家長們為了讓孩子們上名校做出了巨大貢獻,犧牲週末時間,載孩子參加各種課外活動。我們也希望幫助學生及家長完成大學申請的最後一搏。為此, 我們特別為Whitney 華裔學生家長舉辦本次講座,其內容如下:

我們希望在此次講座中見到Cerritos學區的家長,並為所有面臨申請壓力的學生盡一份綿薄之力。為了那些住的較遠的學生及家長,我們在AM 1300電臺每週二下午2-3點 ”升學直通車”有相應的電臺講座,還請收屆時收聽。

萬里法律/教育 敬上


Dear Students and Parents,

We are happy to announce that we will be providing a “College Admission & Financial Aid” seminar at Whitney High next Thur (11/14) @ 6:45 PM.

The information is as follows:

We are thankful that we are invited by Whitney High Chinese Parent Association, which we are proud to support. We have worked with many parents in the Cerritos areas (Whitney High and Cerritos High), and we admire their hard-work and determination to help their kids get into the best college possible. They made many sacrifices for their kids (from driving to weekly piano lessons, art lessons, tutoring, etc), and we wish to help them push their kids “across the finish line.” As a way to show our support to Whitney High Chinese Parent Association, our topics are as follows:

For those who are in the Cerritos area, we hope to see you there. For those who are farther away, you can tune into AM 1300 Radio on Tuesday (and every Tuesday) from 2-3 PM, which we will discuss the same strategies on Essays and Interviews.

