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在華人社會內,斯坦福是最常被命名為“夢想學院”的大學 ,原因顯而易見。這所大學產生出近30名諾貝爾獎獲得者,普利策4獎得主,並擁有校友如微軟的首席執行官,雅虎,eBay等。去年,學校有5.7 %的錄取率( 20個申請者僅1名錄取者 ) 。它也產生了比世界上其他任何大學(除哈佛)更多的億萬富翁。


被 Forbes Magazine 列為全美國第二名的大學, 波莫哪學院的排名比 哈佛還高 (第八名)。 斯坦福被Forbes 排第一名﹗ 大家都可以看得出來, 這三所不愧是尖頂名校。


我們的巨星“攻”下來的名校如下(as of 12/13/13)!﹕

萬里法律/教育 敬上


Dear Students and Parents:

We can’t stop getting great news!

Following the lead of our Superstars’ conquest of Columbia, Northwestern and Bowdoin yesterday, 3 of Superstars conquered Harvard, Stanford and Pomona!!!

For Students and parents in California, Stanford has been most commonly named as the “dream college,” and it is not difficult to name why. The university alone houses nearly 30 Nobel Laureates, 4 Pulitzer Award winners, and boasts alumni such as CEO of Microsoft, Yahoo, Ebay, and more. Last year, the school had an acceptance rate of 5.7% (1 in 20). It also has produced more billionaires than any other university in the world, except for Harvard.

Harvard, truly, needs no introduction, as the oldest and most well-known university America, and perhaps the world. Last year, its acceptance rate for Regular Decision was 3.8%.

Pomona is ranked No. 2 of all colleges in America by Forbes magazine, after top-ranked Stanford. In the Forbes ranking, Pomona even beat Harvard (ranked No. 8).

We here are very happy to work with these students through their journey to reach the top prizes in College Admission. Again, this is a victory for their parents also. For all their hard work, the parents can now see their children achieve their drams.

Here is a quick review of the Scoreboard So Far (as of 12/13/13)!

Congratulations to all!

