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《萬里法律/教育》狂賀…爬藤成功 ~達特茅斯



快報! 又一位超級巨星被常春藤錄取 - 達特茅斯

繼上星期六的好消息, 萬里教育的一位天才學生已攻下全世界最有價值的加卅理工學院, 今天捷報頻傳, 另外一位學生又爬藤成功. 狂賀! 狂賀!

達特茅斯是常春藤聯盟的第一所大學, 強先公佈放榜曰, 今年已提早錄取469新生.

達特茅斯的绰号 -“大貓”, 與華爾街的大企業界有相當好的學術與企業結盟. “大貓”(Dartmouth)最獨特的制度 ” D 計劃”, 學生在大二或大三的三個學期(3 quarters) 可以自由選擇在全世界實習, 遊學及留學, 最棒的例子: 學生秋天可以到法國當交換學生, 春天又回到美國紐約華爾街實習, 夏天飛到中國上海或北京留學, 此種獨一無二的“D 計劃”。 真的應驗我們的諺語 – “讀萬卷書, 不如行萬里路.”

這就是大貓的畢業生, 能夠立刻成為華爾街的金童。 “D 計劃”, 造就了實戰經驗豐富的商場戰士. 達特茅斯學生, 最幸福的是~ 所有的課程, 都由教授親自授課的小班制.

我們堅信, 在萬里律師六個月培訓的所有的學生, 將會前程萬里. 其他大學, 將在這星期放榜, 請所有學生及家長, 耐心得靜候佳音!

萬里法律/教育 敬上


Dear Students and Parents,

We wish to congratulation one of our Superstar Students for gaining admission to Dartmouth!!!

With our other genius Superstar who gained admission to the world-famous Cal Tech on Sat, our Academic Superstars are showing they can capture the flag of the best schools in the world!

As the first member of the Ivy League to announce its Early Acceptance, Dartmouth accepted 469 students from across America and around the world.

Nicknamed “Big Cat” in Chinese, Dartmouth has great connections with Wall Street and the business world. Dartmouth has a unique D-Plan (quarter system) whereby students can spend parts of sophomore and junior years study abroad OR working in different internships – around the world. Thus, one can study in France for a few months and work in New York for after that. During the summer, they can study in Beijing or Shanghai. When students graduate from Dartmouth, they already possess real-life work experience and connections of someone around 25. It’s no wonder Dartmouth graduates are successful in the business world.

Lastly, Dartmouth has a great reputation as undergraduate-focused – almost all the classes are taught by professors.

For those Students in our Team who are waiting for results, if you get nervous, just tell yourself you are the best because you are!!


