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身為華人律師,我們要告訴大家有一條法律修改會對亞裔小孩相當不利。 不知道你們有沒有聽到加州州參議 (Senate) 通過一條叫 Senate Constitution Amendment No. 5 (短寫 SCA5)。

SCA5 對加州亞裔學生非常不利﹔ 現在UC/Cal State 的學校是擇優錄取。SCA5 允許UC/Cal State 考慮學生的種族 ……..初步的分析是: 亞裔學生在UC 有可能從40%降到15% (亞裔在加州的人口); 其他種族當然會增加。

很簡單來說, 這條法案很明確歧視亞裔學生。若 SCA5 通過加州 Assembly, 就在十一月Election Ballot 讓全加州居民投票。

現在你還可以把“反對”的聲音告訴加州 Assembly…. 請你到 下面一個 Link ....


這個網上簽名很簡單 (需要不到一分鐘) 。

在美國,要保護自己的立場,一定要知法懂法﹗我們華人社會一定要團結起來,保護我們在美國生根的子女; 我們不能讓他/她們輸在終點﹗

萬里法律/教育集團 敬上

Dear Students and Parents:

In case you have not heard, the CA Senate voted on 1/30/14 to approve Senate Constitution Amendment No. 5 (SCA 5), which would allow the State of California to deny an individual or group's rights to public education on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.

Prop. 209 currently prohibits CA government institutions from considering race, sex, or ethnicity, specifically in the areas of 1) public employment, 2) public contracting or 3) public education.

Now SCA5 seeks to remove “public education” – so that means race/ethnicity WILL be considered in UC/Cal State admissions. If that’s the case, Asian students will be severely disadvantaged since Asians are “over-represented” in the UC system already.

What it really could mean: With 15% percent of the population in CA, Asian students may be “stuck” with a glass ceiling of 15% of the UC student body (as opposed to about 40% now). If you feel it’s NOT FAIR, then please go here to sign a Petition:


In America, if the law changes against your interests, one must stand up and voice objection. If not, Silence = Acceptance! So this quick Petition (takes less than 1 min) allows your voice to be heard by the CA Assembly. With this Petition, everyone’s voice can add up and block any laws that are adverse to your interests.

If the Amendment goes for a full vote in November, please go VOTE and let your voices be known! Many of you (Students) will be 18 by then, so make your vote COUNT.

Please forward this message to your friends who are concerned about this issue as well.

