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我們要恭喜兩位學生拿到 Harvard + Brown’s Likely Letters!!

什麼是Likely Letter? 通常二月份的時候,長春藤會發 Likely Letter 給它們很想要的學生。除非成績便很差或個人品質 (Character) 變“壞”, Likely Letter表示您已經進了﹗﹗

我們還要恭喜另外十位學生已經收到 Berkeley的錄取; 他/她們還拿到 Regents 獎學金﹗ 真的是名校+獎金﹗

萬里法律/教育集團 敬上

Dear Students and Parents,

February is a time where top private schools send out “Likely Letters” to students. We like to congratulate 2 of our students who received Likely letters from Harvard and Brown!!

Also, we like to congratulate 10 of our students who have already received acceptance into Berkeley, many of them also received the prestigious Regents Scholarships!

What is an Likely Letter?

A Likely Letter states that a Student is “very likely” to be admitted for Regular Admissions, unless there is a “significant decrease” in academic performance or actions (cheating/getting arrested) that brings character into question. In other words, you are 99.99% in!

This is all part of our strategy …. Try to get in Early …… then get Likely Letters ……then get in during Regular Cycle.

Congratulations again,

