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SCA-5 強震,讓華人憤慨,讓父母憂心。力量正迅速動員,情緒已開始表達。如今,更重要的是凝聚力量,鞏固論點。

身為律師,我相信SCA-5最後的決戰地點,是在法院。在美國做事,讓我們用美國的方法。讓我們都能像律師在法庭攻防陳辭,理直氣和,命中核心,毫無懸念地講出下面兩個論點 (用英文來講):



然而,作為律師,我仍然有情緒。下一步,家長與學生們要跨出我們華人圈子,要“講得像律師”才可以說服其他種族 。 我們提供上面兩點會讓家長們更容易表達他們的意見。

萬里法律/教育集團 敬上


Dear Parents and Students:

In order to lobby against SCA-5, we suggest parents and students to have effective and quick arguments to get their point across fast. Toward that end, we all should learn from former President Bill Clinton on how he talks, as he is precise and convincing when on the “offensive.”

The next stage of battle is to formulate arguments in English and convey the message in English to other ethnicities. So how do we do talk like Bill Clinton or a Lawyer?

We have heard many arguments against SCA-5, and we suggest use the following 2 Main Arguments:

There, in about 15 second and you are done. Just say those 2 points in that order, and you are on the offensive, and this makes it hard for the listener/audience to disagree.

The above arguments are better that saying SCA-5 is “unfair because it targets Asian kids …..” That sounds a bit too defensive and it mentions race. It’s suggested one does NOT mention race or ethnicity in the SCA-5 debate because that would inflame emotions. In order to win the SCA-5 debate in the “court of public opinion,” one must be calm and state clear and convincing reasons as above – like a Lawyer.

Lastly, I will show you another Lawyer trick. If someone supports SCA-5 is trying to put you on the defensive with arguments, just say “If the SCA-5 is unconstitutional, how is that a good law?”

You see, this way, you immediately put your opponent on the defensive. For our 2 Main Points above, you can say to you colleagues, friends, acquaintances in the workplace, lunchroom, park, gym, etc. It’s time to take the message outside the Asian Community.

Please feel free to pass this email this to your friends, especially those in Northern California, who are even more fervent than us in SoCal. We also attach a pdf File for this.

Allen Leung
