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萬里教育/法律--SCA5恐怕已經執行 !UCLA Decision/ SCA5 = Still Alive & Well



SCA5恐怕已經執行 !

3月21日UCLA 放榜,很多亞裔學生無法進UCLA。

今年UCLA 的 Admit rate = approx 17% to 18% (Official numbers 還沒有released) 。

我們知道 1) 外州 2) International Student 都比較容易進UCLA (他們要付$6萬)。 所以加州本州的學生的 Admit rate 會更低 …..approx 15%。

亞裔學生呢﹖ 當然更低 …… approx 12%。 Wow, 所以UCLA 已經靠近常春藤10%以下的比率了。


其實,不太驚訝,因為UCLA 校長是SCA5的強烈支持者。

在UCLA網址已經說明UCLA會用”Holistic Approach“ 錄取學生。 Holistic Approach = 隱形的SCA5 ; 常春藤早就用Holistic Approach “控制”每個族裔的錄取標準。

我們有可靠的消息,很多優秀的亞裔學生都落馬。 For example, 有一位華人學生, 2400 SAT (1次), 很高GPA, 結果被 Rejected; Waitlist 都沒有 !

請問大家一個問題﹕ 這位學生可以考到 2401分的 SAT 嗎﹖ 這位學生到底做錯了什麼讓UCLA reject 他 ?

原因是不是我們大家都心知肚明的 - 族裔 ?

所以大家現在要面對是隱形的SCA5 …… 要有辦法打破隱形政策 ! 身為律師,我們當然有辦法。 我們研究一下,過兩天再提供建議給大家。


萬里法律/教育集團 敬上


Dear Parents and Students:

{Note: We have this Email in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese so everyone could understand!}.

On 3/21 (Fri), UCLA released their admission decisions, and it looks like that SCA5 is alive and well, as many Asian students received “No” from UCLA, leaving many of them bitterly disappointed.

Although UCLA has not released the number of students they admitted, we estimate UCLA’s admit rate = approx. …… 17% - 18% (all-time low).

We all know that 1) Out-of-State applicants and 2) International Student are easier to get into UCLA (because they are willing to pay $60,000). Thus, the Admit rate for CA students should be lower …… about 15%.

What about Asian students from CA? Of course, it’s much lower than 15% ….. Approx. 12%!

Wow, that’s approaching Ivy League’s admit rate of less than 10%!

Is this result surprising?

Perhaps not. UCLA Chancellor (Gene Block) is one of the strongest supporters of SCA5. On UCLA’s website, it states that UCLA uses the “holistic approach” when reviewing and accepting students.

“Holistic Approach” = Invisible SCA5. Holistic Approach has been adopted by the Ivy league for years to so they could hit their “targets” on race/ethnicity of the student body.

We have reliable information that many top achieving Asian students were rejected. For example, there is an Asian student with 2400 SAT (1 sitting), high GPA, but was rejected, not even Waitlisted.

We just like to ask couple of simple questions. Can this student achieve a 2401 for SAT? What did this student do wrong to elicit a rejection from UCLA?

Or is the answer lies on something that we all suspect – race/ethnicity?

Thus, Asian students’ challenge is to overcome this Invisible SCA5. As lawyers, of course we have solutions. We are going to do some analysis, and propose some solutions in a couple of days.

Stay tuned. Thanks,
