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親愛的學生與家長們: 謝謝大家來我們上個禮拜的講座。我們首先要跟有一些晚到的家長們道歉,因為不夠位子坐。我們一月底還會有兩場;所以鼓勵要來的學生與家長們跟我們訂位!


Diamond Bar, Walnut, Arcadia, Beckman, Northwood, Cypress, Whitney, Irvine, University, El Monte, Los Osos, South Pasadena etc.

Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, Cal Tech, Berkeley, Johns Hopkins etc.


(1/11) 在爾灣中文學校有兩位巨星:哈佛+Johns Hopkins 親臨現場。還有耶魯媽媽討論“加分”的Summer program:

他們的video 如下:

1) Issac (Harvard)

2) Eric (Johns Hopkins)

3) Julia (Yale Mom)

如果你要知道讀那些非英國非美國文學名著, 建立大學申請論文寫作材料,下一次的講座就不能錯過。我們也會講那些下夏令營最值得去了!

萬里法律/教育集團 敬上


Dear Students and Parents:

Thank you to all those who came to our seminar this past weekend at El Monte and at the Irvine Chinese School.

First, we must apologize those who “walked-in” but had to stand because there weren’t enough seats. We apologize for any inconvenience, including those that we had to turn away for the same reasons. For the next seminar, please contact us to reserve the seats.

For those who couldn’t attend, it was exciting because we profiled actual case studies of our Successful Students. The Superstars comes from high schools such Diamond Bar, Walnut, Arcadia, Beckman, Northwood, Cypress, Whitney, Irvine, University, El Monte, Los Osos, South Pasadena etc.

These Superstars now attend schools such Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, Cal Tech, Berkeley, Johns Hopkins etc.

We profiled all their secrets of getting into those top schools.

The highlight of these seminars had to be two Superstars from Harvard and Johns Hopkins, who 1) discussed their high school activities; 2) the application process; 3) their college life; AND 4) gave advice to students in the audience.

If you missed it and want to hear them again, please look at Youtube videos below

1) Issac (Harvard)

2) Eric (Johns Hopkins)

3) Julia (Yale Mom)

We will have another 2 seminars at the end of the month. For those who missed this past seminar, we hope to see you.

Allen and Winnie
