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萬里教育集團 祝學生們新年成績突出,考試高分,攻進名校!



我們先給大家拜年。 祝學生們新年成績突出,考試高分,攻進名校!


A) 5位Finalists for National Merit Scholarship。這5位巨星的PSAT是全美國Top 1%。單靠PSAT也不夠,這5位也擁有高SAT/ACT 分數。

B) 5 Finalists for U.S. Presidential Scholars Program (總統級獎學金). 每年,美國教育部只發獎給151位學生。拿到這個獎比爬藤還難。 我們有5位學生有機會拿這個獎﹔他們是前程萬里!

C) 再有一位被 Vanderbilt 錄取。

D) 一位被 Claremont McKenna (Early Decision 2) 錄取。

E) 一位被 Univ-Texas Business School (McCombs) 錄取。


萬里法律/教育集團 敬上


Dear Students and Parents:

Happy Chinese New Year! To our seniors, please accept our best wishes for lots of Top School acceptances during the Year of the Sheep!

For Students below, the New Year is off to a great start!

A) 5 Finalists for National Merit Scholarship. We have a total of 5 Finalists for this prestigious scholarship. To become a Finalist, one must score in the top 1% of PSAT test and have high SAT/ACT score.

B) 5 Finalists for U.S. Presidential Scholars Program. Each year, The Presidential Scholars Program awards only 151 students from across America this scholarship. And we have 5 students who are Finalists!

C) Another Acceptance into Vanderbilt

D) Admission into Claremont McKenna (ED2)

E) Admission for Univ-Texas Business School (McCombs)

Congratulations Again!!

Wanmile Legal & Education Group
