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6/14/15 萬里獨家的學習系統


6/14/15, 萬里法律教育集團在San Gabriel Hilton 主辦一場免費的“試課“。 我們把學生分成2組:(1) 升12年級生;(2) 升9/10/10年級生.
麻煩去看Flickr的照片:(Please Click on Link)
(1) 升12年級生

6月14是萬里的”決戰8周“的第一堂課! 我們把在場的學生分成小組; 他們的任務是大學錄取官 - 有權力拒絕學生! 
一旦學生們變成錄取官,他們自子就會回答以下常常問的問題:(A)若我不修AP Physics, 是否對我不利? (B)若我12年級參加ASB,回對我申請有利嗎?(C) 我已經有SAT 2 Biology 790分, 我是否要再考?
萬里的Role Play 讓每位升12年級生馬上改變他們/她們的想法。從錄取官的角度,學生們就得到不小的升學秘密! 更重要是:他們學到申請大學是一段過程; 一定有信心才能升學/爬藤!
(2) 升9/10/11年級生

這些學生有福了! 萬里透露給非萬里學生我們的獨一無二”寫的像律師“寫作方法。 2016年3月是新版SAT要上場。新版SAT的論文會變成50分鐘,難度提高。我們當場給學生一個公式對付新版SAT的論文。有了這個寫作公式,新移民都可以考的好!

其實,這個獨家的秘方萬里學生已練習好幾個月。 在6月份的ACT,萬里學生就利用“一看題目,就知道答案”方法,輕鬆拿高分(請看我們前兩天發的Email)。
(4) 萬里的Online Class:每天都有!
萬里的獨家Online Class Schedule如下:
Mon/Wed (5-7 PM): 閱讀+文法 (挑戰SAT/ACT)
Tues/Thur(5-7 PM): ACT Math & Science (一舉兩得;ACT Math 比SAT Math難;搞定ACT Math,SAT Math沒問題!)
Fri (5-7 PM): 讀書會(非英國,非美國的段篇文學);馬上提高文學程度
Sun (9:30 AM-12 Noon):基本寫作班 -- 寫的想律師第一部!
{5-7 PM = 8-10 AM 在中國;方便我們在中國的學生)
好消息:最新的課= American Idioms (常用的美語習語);新移民最適合!
萬里法律教育集團 敬上

Dear Parents and Students:

On 6/14/15, we held FREE Try-out Class for Students and Parents who wanted to know more about Wanmile. We divided the Students into 2 Sessions: 1) rising 12th graders; 2) rising to 9/10/11th graders.
Please see the pictures on the Flickr Link below (Please Click on Link)
So as you can see from the pictures, all the Students were busy taking down Notes and learn our Wanmile secrets!
1) For Rising 12th graders
For these students, it was the beginning of our 8-Week Essay Program. We conducted a College Simulation game where Students became Admission officers who rejected applicants.
From this approach, Students now know the answers to questions such as (A) if I don’t take AP Physics, will it hurt me, (B) if I participate in ASB for senior year, would it help me, or (C) if I have a 790 in SAT Bio, should I take it again, etc.
As a result of this “role playing game,” Students now know what is important in College Admissions and what is not. In summary, these Students learned the “secrets” of College Admissions. More importantly, they obtained the confidence necessary to undergo the College Application “journey.”
2) For Rising 9/10/11th graders
They are very Lucky! For the first time, we opened up and show Non-Wanmile Students our “secrets” to our Reading and Writing Class.
It was the first step to our “Writing Like a Lawyer; Talk like a lawyer”
We discussed the new SAT Essay and how to attack it!
The BEST PART is how we attack the Reading Comp section, such that even NEW IMMIGRANTS could do well on Reading Comp for SAT/ACT! For our students who have joined us for several months, they already have high ACT Scores (our previous email).

The Best Part is: ALL of our Classes are Online. We have online Mon to Fri 5-7 PM CA Time, such that our students in China can attend (8 -10 AM in China next day).
We also have a Special Writing Class, especially for New Immigrants/English learners on Sunday 9:30 AM to 12 Noon.
Announcing NEW CLASS: English Idioms in conversations and writing for New Immigrants/English learners.

