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美芝秀十周年慶典 ~ 萬元禮物大抽獎 !


~ DSC 10th Anniversary Celebration ~

Save the Date! Come celebrate a decade of dedicated 

service with DSC on August 8, 2015 at 12:30 pm. 

Our 10th anniversary fete will feature incredible show specials, 
a sumptuous lunch buffet, and great speakers to share the

Latest in Beauty & Anti-aging Technology.

*** Luxury raffle of gifts totaling over $10,000! ***  

Special Gift Bag & Lunch will be offered . 
Seating is limited .  Call NOW to RSVP .
(626) 285-0800


美芝秀十周年慶典 ~ 萬元禮物大抽獎 !

2015年 8月8日週六     中午 12:30pm

今年是DSC 美芝秀服務洛杉磯社區的第十個年頭的特別日子!

請在8/8/2015 來美芝秀參與【美芝慶典】活動、萬元禮物大抽獎精彩豐富~

中午 12:30pm 精美自助午餐招待,下午2pm 最新醫美資訊及



** 當天特別提供令人興奮的周年優惠回饋舊雨新知 ***


(626) 285-0800

RSVP by calling us to reserve your spot today and Receive a FREE consultation appointment.

(626) 285-0800

