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李明詩保險Vickie Li 貼心小叮嚀:租房保險的好處


The Benefits of Renters Insurance

Even if you don’t own a home, you probably own a great deal more than you think. Consider all of your furniture, electronics, clothing and appliances. Also include any jewelry, collectibles, books or musical instruments you own. Now consider how much it would cost to replace all of these items if you had to do so. Doesn’t seem like such a small number, does it? Imagine you are having a cookout, and a guest trips on the stairs while attending. Could you cover their medical bills if need be? What happens if something leaks in your apartment, and ends up damaging you’re a neighbor’s unit? How would you pay for those damages? The answer is renters insurance.

Renters insurance is very similar to homeowners insurance, in that it helps cover you and your property. The landlord’s insurance policy on the rental unit typically covers the building structure itself, while protecting your property is your responsibility. Renters insurance and what it covers can vary, but in general it covers personal property, personal liability, property damage to others, additional living expenses and medical payments to others. What your policy covers depends on the coverage limits you select.

Here are some of the benefits renters can gain from purchasing renters insurance:

Fire and theft protection

If your apartment or rental home becomes damaged in a fire or other peril named in your policy, your renters policy can help to repair or replace your possessions. Likewise, if your residence is broken into, your renters insurance policy can pay to repair or replace listed items that are damaged or taken. Additionally, renters insurance policies typically provide loss of use coverage, which can help pay your expenses if you have to relocate for repairs. Here’s a tip: Create an inventory of your belongings. Include furniture, clothing, books, electronics, appliances, etc. along with its estimated value. Take photos of your belongings, and keep track of credit card statements — keeping a current list will make it easier should you have to file an insurance claim.
Protection from damage you may cause

Renters insurance covers more than just your property. For example, if you accidentally ride your bike into a parked car, your policy can  cover that, and pay for the losses of people who are injured or suffer property damage because of your actions.
Protection from liability claims

Like to entertain? Ever get a package delivered? Renters insurance can provide liability protection, which covers injury to another person while on your property. So, if you’re sued because someone is injured while at your residence or because you or someone covered under your policy accidentally injure someone, renters insurance can provide liability coverage for legal costs and the settlement of the injury claim up to your limits.
Affordable protection

Many renters assume their belongings will be covered by their landlord’s policy if something should happen. Your landlord’s insurance policy will not cover your losses due to theft or damage. Renters insurance covers your personal property, and even covers you from liability claims while you’re renting. Also, if your rented home ever needs serious repairs, and you’re unable to live there, it also covers the reasonable and necessary increase in living expenses (housing, food, etc.) you may incur from a covered loss. While there’s no law requiring you to purchase a policy when renting, to help protect you now and your future it is important to purchase renters insurance.

Make the call and purchase renters insurance.  It is an inexpensive way to protect your property from damage or loss, and can help you rebuild your life should you experience a loss. Call me today to get the coverage you want to protect both yourself and your belongings.

Sources: homeproperties.com; realestate.msn.com; smartmoney.com; zillow.com


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